DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 24 · 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35979


2011 VOS Abstracts

Review Article

Original Research

Agostinho, F. S.; Rahal, S. C.; Miqueleto, N. S. M. L.; Verdugo, M. R.; Inamassu, L. R.; El-Warrak, A. O.: Kinematic analysis of Labrador Retrievers and Rottweilers trotting on a treadmill
Kara, M. E.; Kilimci, F. Sevil; Yildirim, I. G.; Onar, V.; Pazvant, G.: The intercondylar fossa indices of male and female dog femora
Hercock, C. A.; Innes, J. F.; McConnell, F.; Guilliard, M. J.; Ness, M. G.; Hodson, D.; Young, I. S.: Observer variation in the evaluation and classification of severe central tarsal bone fractures in racing Greyhounds
Field, J. R.; McGee, M.; Stanley, R.; Ruthenbeck, G.; Papadimitrakis, T.; Zannettino, A.; Gronthos, S.; Itescu, S.: Erratum to: The efficacy of allogeneic mesenchymal precursor cells for the repair of an ovine tibial segmental defect

What is your diagnosis?

Clinical Communication

Case Report

Wendelburg, K. M.; Lewis, D. D.; Sereda, C. W.; Reese, D. J.; Wheeler, J. L.: Use of an interlocking nail-hybrid fixator construct for distal femoral deformity correction in three dogs

What is your diagnosis? Answer to the question on page 196.

Letters to the Editor

Stief, M.; Gottschalk, J.; Ionita, J.-C.; Einspanier, A.; Oechtering, G.; Böttcher, P.: Erratum to: Concentration of platelets and growth factors in canine autologous conditioned plasma