DOI: 10.1055/s-00035026

Applied Clinical Informatics

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 02 · 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-36019

Research Article

Kantor, M.; Wright, A.; Burton, M.; Fraser, G.; Krall, M.; Maviglia, S.; Mohammed-Rajput, N.; Simonaitis, L.; Sonnenberg, F.; Middleton, B.: Comparison of Computer-based Clinical Decision Support Systems and Content for Diabetes Mellitus
Monsen, K.; Melton-Meaux, G.; Timm, J.; Westra, B.; Kerr, M.; Raman, N.; Farri, O.; Hart, C.; Martin, K.: An Empiric Analysis of Omaha System Targets
Payne, P.; Ervin, D.; Dhaval, R.; Borlawsky, T.; Lai, A.: TRIAD: The Translational Research Informatics and Data Management Grid
Monsen, K.A.; Foster, D.J.; Gomez, T.; Poulsen, J.K.; Mast, J.; Westra, B.L.; Fishman, E.: Evidence-based Standardized Care Plans for Use Internationally to Improve Home Care Practice and Population Health
Samal, L.; Stavroudis, TA.; Miller, RE.; Lehmann, HP.; Lehmann, CU.: Effect of a Laboratory Result Pager on Provider Behavior in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Case Report

Invited Editorial