DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 02 · Volume 25 · 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-36300


Original Research

Guillou, R. P.; Demianiuk, R. M.; Sinnott, M. T.; Curcio, K.; DeCamp, C. E.; Haut, R. C.; Déjardin, L. M.: In vitro mechanical evaluation of a limited contact dynamic compression plate and hybrid carpal arthrodesis plate for canine pancarpal arthrodesis
Nicholson, I.; Langley-Hobbs, S.; Sutcliffe, M.; Jeffery, N.; Radke, H.: Feline talocrural luxation: A cadaveric study of repair using ligament prostheses
van der Peijl, G. J. W.; Schaeffer, I. G. F.; Theyse, L. F. H.; Dijkshoorn, N. A.; Schwencke, M.; Hazewinkel, H. A. W.: Osteochondrosis dissecans of the tarsus in Labrador Retrievers: Clinical signs, radiological data and force plate gait evaluation after surgical treatment

Clinical Communication

Case Report

Nakladal, B.; vom Hagen, F.; Olias, P.; Brunnberg, L.: Intraosseous lipoma in the ulna and radius of a two-year-old Leonberger
Hermer, J. V.; Bush, M. A.; Whiting, C.; Langley-Hobbs, S. J.: Healing of patellar fractures in two kittens
Smith, T. J.; Baltzer, W. I.; Löhr, C.; Stieger-Vanegas, S. M.: Primary synovial osteochondromatosis of the stifle in an English Mastiff
Baltzer, W. I.; Hillebrand, L.; Smith, T. J.; Stieger-Vanegas, S. M.: Surgical management of a Schmorl's node in an Airedale Terrier and review of the literature
