DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 04 · Volume 18 · 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-39204

Original Research

Gorman, S. C.; Kraus, K. H.; Keating, J. H.; Tidwell, A. S.; Rand, W. M.; Parkington, J. D.; Boudrieau, R. J.: In vivo axial dynamization of canine tibial fractures using the Securos external skeletal fixation system
Aguila, A. Z.; Manos, J. M.; Orlansky, A. S.; Todhunter, R. J.; Trotter, E. J.; van der Meulen, M. C. H.: In vitro biomechanical comparison of limited contact dynamic compression plate and locking compression plate
Kennedy, S. C.; Dunning, D.; Bischoff, M. G.; Kuriashkin, I. V.; Pijanowski, G. J.; Schaeffer, D. J.: The effect of axial and abaxial release on meniscal displacement in the dog

Clinical Communication

Gnudi, G.; Martini, F. M.; Zanichelli, S.; Volta, A.; Bertoni, G.; Del Bue, M.; Borghetti, P.: Incomplete humeral condylar fracture in two English Pointer dogs

Case Report