DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 75 · 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40574

Original Article

Mari, D; Parnetti, L; Coppola, R; Bottasso, B; Reboldi, G P; Senin, U; Mannucci, P M: Hemostasis Abnormalities in Patients with Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Mitusch, Rolf; Slemens, Hans J; Garbe, Michael; Wagner, Thomas; Sheikhzadeh, Abdolhamid; Diederich, Karl W: Detection of a Hypercoagulable State in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation and the Effect of Anticoagulant Therapy
Rintelen, C; Pabinger, I; Knöbl, P; Lechner, K; Mannhatter, Ch: Probability of Recurrence of Thrombosis in Patients with and without Factor V Leiden
Nurmohamed, M T; van Riel, A M; Henkens, C M A; Koopman, M M W; Que, G T H; D’Azemar, P; Büller, H R; ten Cate, J W; Hoek, J A; van der Meer, J; van der Heul, C; Turpie, A G G; Haley, S; Sicurella, J; Gent, M: Low Molecular Weight Heparin and Compression Stockings in the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Neurosurgery
Ascani, Alessandra; Radicchia, Stefano; Parise, Pasquale; Nencl, Giuseppe G; Angelli, Giancarlo: Distribution and Occlusiveness of Thrombi in Patients with Surveillance Detected Deep Vein Thrombosis after Hip Surgery
Monreal, Manuel; Alastrue, Antoni; Rull, Miquel; Mira, Xavier; Muxart, Jordi; Rosell, Rafael; Abad, Albert: Upper Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis in Cancer Patients with Venous Access Devices - Prophylaxis with a Low Molecular Weight Heparin (Fragmin)
Douketis, James D; Ginsberg, Jeffrey S; Burrows, Robert F; Duku, Eric K; Webber, Colin E; Brill-Edwards, Patrick: The Effects of Long-term Heparin Therapy During Pregnancy on Bone Density
Engel, H; Zwang, L; van Vliet, H H D M; Michiles, J J; Stibbe, J; Lindemans, J: Phenotyping and Genotyping of Coagulation Factor V Leiden
Aillaud, M F; Pouymayou, K; Brunet, D; Alessi, M C; Amiral, J; Juhan-Vague, I: New Direct Assay of Free Protein S Antigen Applied to Diagnosis of Protein S Deficiency
Parkkinen, Jaakko; Vääränen, Outi; Vahtera, Elina: Plasma Ascorbate Protects Coagulation Factors against Photooxidation
Sorice, M; Circella, A; Griggi, T; Garofalo, T; Nicodemo, G; Pittoni, V; Pontieri, G M; Lenti, L; Valesini, G: Anticardiolipin and Anti-β2-GPI Are Two Distinct Populations of Autoantibodies
Tripodi, A; Chantarangkul, V; Manotti, C; Poggi, M; Braga, M; Akkawat, B; Bucciarelli, P; Mannucci, P M: A Simplified Procedure for Thromboplastin Calibration -The Usefulness of Lyophilized Plasmas Assessed in a Collaborative Study
Jarvis, M A; Levin, L G; Harrison, J A; DePianto, D J; Suzuki, C M; Ziaja, C L; Brown, J E; Jolly, K W; Reisner, H M; Abidgaard, C F; Powell, J S: Induction of Human Factor VIII Inhibitors in Rats by Immunization with Human Recombinant Factor VIII: a Small Animal Model for Humans with High Responder Inhibitor Phenotype
Haddeland, Unni; Sletten, Knut; Bennick, Anne; Nieuwenhuizen, Willem; Brosstad, Frank: Aggregated, Conformationally Changed Fibrinogen Exposes the Stimulating Sites for t-PA-Catalysed Plasminogen Activation
Pernod, Gilles; Amalfltano, Guy; Le Magueresse, Brigitte; Berger, Francois; Polack, Benolt; Kolodie, Lucien: Retinoids Induce t-PA Synthesis by C6 Glioma Cells -Role in Tumoral Haemorrhagic Necrosis
Kosugi, Satoru; Tomiyama, Yoshiaki; Shiraga, Masamichi; Kashiwagi, Hirokazu; Mizutani, Hajime; Kanakura, Yuzuru; Kurata, Yoshlyuki; Matsuzawa, Yuji: Platelet-Associated Anti-Glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa Autoantibodies in Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura Mainly Recognize Cation-Dependent Conformations: Comparison with the Epitopes of Serum Autoantibodies
Horn, E H; Hardy, E; Cooper, J; Heptinstall, S; Rubin, P C: Platelet Reactivity In Vitro in Relation to Thromboxane in Healthy Pregnancy
Fukao, Hideharu; Hagiya, Yasuhiro; Ueshima, Shigeru; Okada, Kiyotaka; Takaishi, Tomaoki; Izaki, Sellichi; Matsuo, Osamu: Effect of Heat Shock on the Expression of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells
Wood, Nigel; Standen, Graham R; Bowen, Derrick J; Cumming, Anthony; Lush, Christopher; Lee, Richard; Bidwell, Jeffery: UHG-based Mutation Screening in Type 2B von Willebrand’s Disease: Detection of a Candidate Mutation Ser547Phe

Scientific and Standardization Committee Communication

Letter to the Editor

Souto, Joan Carles; Garí, Mercè; Falkon, Liliana; Fontucberta, Jordi: A New Case of Hereditary Histidine-rich Glycoprotein Deficiency with Familial Thrombophilia