Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Issue 06 ·
Volume 34 ·
July 2018
DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40778
Original Article
Merolli, Antonio;
Manunta, Maria Lucia;
Mao, Yong;
Masala, Gerolamo;
Careddu, Giovanni Mario;
Cubeddu, Francesca;
Evangelisti, Maria Antonietta;
Guida, Maria Letizia;
Verardi, Caroline Antonia;
Proietti, Claudio;
Manunta, Andrea;
D'Urso Labate, Giuseppe Falvo;
Catapano, Gerardo;
Polunas, Marianne;
Louro, Pedro;
Passino, Eraldo Sanna:
Development of a Device-Assisted Nerve-Regeneration Procedure in Disruptive Lesions of the Brachial Plexus
Kwon, Soo-Ha;
Lee, Che-Hsiung;
Hsu, Angela Ting-Wei;
Shafarenko, Mark;
Omar, Usama Farghaly;
Tzou, Chieh-Han John;
Roka-Palkovits, Julia;
Beltrán P, Aldo G.;
Liakos, Dimitri;
Chang, Tommy Nai-Jen:
Use of Social Media and an Online Survey to Discuss Complex Reconstructive Surgery: A Case of Upper Lip Reconstruction with 402 Responses from International Microsurgeons
Kwon, Soo-Ha;
Lee, Che-Hsiung;
Hsu, Angela Ting-Wei;
Shafarenko, Mark;
Omar, Usama Farghaly;
Tzou, Chieh-Han;
Roka-Palkovits, Julia;
Beltrán P, Aldo G.;
Liakos, Dimitri;
Chang, Tommy Nai-Jen:
Erratum: Use of Social Media and an Online Survey to Discuss Complex Reconstructive Surgery: A Case of Upper Lip Reconstruction with 402 Responses from International Microsurgeons
Letter to the Editor