Applied Clinical Informatics
Ausgabe 03 ·
Volume 10 ·
Mai 2019
DOI: 10.1055/s-009-43150
Research Article
Simon, Lisa;
Obadan-Udoh, Enihomo;
Yansane, Alfa-Ibrahim;
Gharpure, Arti;
Licht, Steven;
Calvo, Jean;
Deschner, James;
Damanaki, Anna;
Hackenberg, Berit;
Walji, Muhammad;
Spallek, Heiko;
Kalenderian, Elsbeth:
Improving Oral–Systemic Healthcare through the Interoperability of Electronic Medical and Dental Records: An Exploratory Study
Special Topic: Visual Analytics in Healthcare
Research Article
Monahan, Ken;
Ye, Cheng;
Gould, Edward;
Xu, Meng;
Huang, Shi;
Spickard, Anderson;
Rosenbloom, S. Trent;
Coco, Joseph;
Fabbri, Daniel;
Miller, Bonnie:
Copy-and-Paste in Medical Student Notes: Extent, Temporal Trends, and Relationship to Scholastic Performance
Review Article
Research Article
Case Report
Special Topic: Visual Analytics in Healthcare
Dolan, Jenny E.;
Lonsdale, Hannah;
Ahumada, Luis M.;
Patel, Amish;
Samuel, Jibin;
Jalali, Ali;
Peck, Jacquelin;
DeRosa, JoAnn C.;
Rehman, Mohamed;
Varughese, Anna M.;
Fernandez, Allison M.:
Quality Initiative Using Theory of Change and Visual Analytics to Improve Controlled Substance Documentation Discrepancies in the Operating Room
Research Article
Ortel, Thomas L.;
Arnold, Katie;
Beckman, Michele;
Brown, Audrey;
Reyes, Nimia;
Saber, Ibrahim;
Schulteis, Ryan;
Singh, Bhavana Pendurthi;
Sitlinger, Andrea;
Thames, Elizabeth H.:
Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive Surveillance System for Venous Thromboembolism in a Defined Region Using Electronic and Manual Approaches