DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 13 · Volume 36 · November 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-44736

SMFM Fellowship Series Article

Coviello, Elizabeth; Iqbal, Sara; Kawakita, Tetsuya; Chornock, Rebecca; Cheney, Megan; Desale, Sameer; Fries, Melissa: Effect of Implementing Quantitative Blood Loss Assessment at the Time of Delivery

Original Article

Rao, Rakesh; Trivedi, Shamik; Distler, Amy; Liao, Steve; Vesoulis, Zachary; Smyser, Christopher; Mathur, Amit M.: Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Neonates with Mild Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia
Goffman, Dena; Ananth, Cande V.; Fleischer, Adiel; D'Alton, Mary; Lavery, Jessica A.; Smiley, Richard; Zielinski, Kristin; Chazotte, Cynthia; for the Safe Motherhood Initiative Obstetric Hemorrhage Work Group: The New York State Safe Motherhood Initiative: Early Impact of Obstetric Hemorrhage Bundle Implementation
Dixon, C. Luke; Monsivais, Luis; Chamseddine, Petra; Olson, Gayle; Pacheco, Luis D.; Saade, George R.; Costantine, Maged M.: The Effect of Distraction during Labor Induction on Timing of Analgesia Request: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Abdelmawla, Mohamed; Louis, Deepak; Narvey, Michael; Elsayed, Yasser: A Lung Ultrasound Severity Score Predicts Chronic Lung Disease in Preterm Infants
Łoniewska, Beata; Tousty, Joanna; Michalczyk, Barbara; Kordek, Agnieszka; Jankowska, Agata: The Use of Noninvasive Ventilation with High Frequency in Newborns—A Single-Center Experience
Zeballos Sarrato, Gonzalo; Sánchez Luna, Manuel; Zeballos Sarrato, Susana; Pérez Pérez, Alba; Pescador Chamorro, Isabel; Bellón Cano, Jose María: New Strategies of Pulmonary Protection of Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room with the Respiratory Function Monitoring
Plooij-Lusthusz, Anneloes M.; van Vreeswijk, Nick; van Stuijvenberg, Margriet; Bos, Arend F.; Kooi, Elisabeth M. W.: Migration of Umbilical Venous Catheters
Kasirer, Yair; Bin-Nun, Alona; Raveh, Ateret; Schorrs, Irina; Mimouni, Francis B.; Hammerman, Cathy: SMOFlipid Protects Preterm Neonates against Perinatal Nutrition–Associated Cholestasis
Mone, Fionnuala; Mulcahy, Cecilia; McParland, Peter; Downey, Paul; Culliton, Marie; Maguire, Orla C.; Mooney, Eoghan E.; Clarke, Philip; Fitzgerald, David; Tully, Elizabeth; Malone, Fergal D.; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M.: Evaluation of the Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin on Biochemical and Biophysical Biomarkers for Placental Disease in Low-Risk Pregnancy: Secondary Analysis of a Multicenter RCT
Mitchell, Courtney J.; Tita, Alan; Anderson, Sarah B.; Pasko, Daniel N.; Harper, Lorie M.: Adverse Outcomes with Maternal Blood Pressure Less than 140/90 in Pregnancy Complicated by Hypertension
Bin-Nun, Alona; Kasirer, Yair; Mimouni, Francis; Schorrs, Irina; Fink, Daniel; Hammerman, Cathy: Wide Pulse Pressure Is Not Associated with Patent Ductus Arteriosus in the First Week of Life
Al-Wassia, Heidi; Lyon, Andrew W.; Rose, Sarah M.; Sauve, Reginald S.; Fenton, Tanis R.: Hypophosphatemia is Prevalent among Preterm Infants Less than 1,500 Grams
