DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 44 · 1980 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45113

Original Article

Mazurier, Claudine; Parquet-Gernez, Armelle; Descamps, Jacques; Bauters, Francis; Goudemand, Maurice: Acquired von Willebrand’s Syndrome in the Course of Waldenström’s Disease
Hantgan, Roy; Fowler, Walter; Erickson, Harold; Hermans, Jan: Fibrin Assembly: A Comparison of Electron Microscopic and Light Scattering Results
Thunberg, L; Höök, M; Lindahl, U; Abildgaard, U; Langholm, R: Isolation and Characterization of Heparin from Human Mastocytoma Tissue
Dalsgaard-Nielsen, J; Gormsen, J: Effects of Halothane on Platelet Function
Ardaillou, Nicole; Yvart, Jeannine; Bras, Philippe Le; Larrieu, Marie-José: Catabolism of Human Fibrinogen Fragment D in Normal Subjects and Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Lämmle, B; Bounameaux, H; Marbet, G A; Eichlisberger, R; Duckert, F: Monitoring of Oral Anticoagulation by an Amidolytic Factor X Assay
Malia, R G; Preston, F E; Mitchell, V E: Evidence against Vitamin K Deficiency in Normal Neonates

Letter of the Editor

Subbiah, M T R; Deitemeyer, D; Yunker, R: Is Prostacyclin Really Important in Avian Atherosclerosis?
Boneu, B; Sie, P; Caranobe, C; Lefebvre, D; Pradere, B; Bastide, G: Platelet Density, 5 HT Organelles and Production Time in Chronic Arteritis of the Lower Limbs
Belch, J J F; Douglas, J T; Lowe, G D O; Forbes, C D; Prentice, C R M: Platelet Aggregation after Elevation of Factor VIII Following DDAVP Infusion in Haemophilia A Patients
Fabris, Fabrizio; Randi, Maria; Casonato, Alessandra; Belloni, Maurizio; Ongaro, Giuseppe; Girolami, Antonio: Platelet Aggregation and Thrombophoresis in Thrombocythemia
Levati, Anna; Minella, Claudio; Farina, Mario Luisa; D'Angelo, Vincenzo: Potential Hazards of Antifibrinolytic Treatment in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage