DOI: 10.1055/s-00046128

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Ausgabe 07 · Volume 26 · Juli 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-48970



Wolfe, Jace; Schafer, Erin; Martella, Natalie; Morais, Mila; Mann, Misty: Evaluation of Extended-Wear Hearing Technology for Children with Hearing Loss
Geal-Dor, Miriam; Chordekar, Shai; Adelman, Cahtia; Sohmer, Haim: Bone Conduction Thresholds without Bone Vibrator Application Force
Weihing, Jeffrey; Guenette, Linda; Chermak, Gail; Brown, Mallory; Ceruti, Julianne; Fitzgerald, Krista; Geissler, Kristin; Gonzalez, Jennifer; Brenneman, Lauren; Musiek, Frank: Characteristics of Pediatric Performance on a Test Battery Commonly Used in the Diagnosis of Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Letter to the Editor

JAAA CEU Program