DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 09 · Volume 41 · August 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49041


Physiology & Biochemistry

Yin, Xin; Cui, Shufang; Li, Xin; Li, Wei; Lu, Qiu ju; Jiang, Xiao hong; Wang, Hui; Chen, Xi; Ma, Ji zheng: Regulation of Circulatory Muscle-specific MicroRNA during 8 km Run

Training & Testing

Flatt, Andrew A.; Allen, Jeff; Bragg, Amy; Keith, Clayton; Earley, Ryan; Esco, Michael R.: Heart Rate Variability in College Football Players throughout Preseason Camp in the Heat
Camacho, Maria Alejandra; Herrera, Esperanza; Barela, Jose Angelo; Delgado-Diaz, Diana Carolina: Kinesiotaping Diminishes Delayed Muscle Soreness but does not Improve Muscular Performance


Hulton, Andrew T.; Vitzel, Kaio; Doran, Dominic A.; MacLaren, Don P. M.: Addition of Caffeine to a Carbohydrate Feeding Strategy Prior to Intermittent Exercise
Langer, Raquel David; de Fatima Guimarães, Roseane; Gonçalves, Ezequiel Moreira; Guerra-Junior, Gil; de Moraes, Anderson Marques: Phase Angle is Determined by Body Composition and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adolescents

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Caccese, Jaclyn B.; Santos, Fernando V.; Yamaguchi, Felipe; Jeka, John J.: Age of First Exposure to Soccer Heading and Sensory Reweighting for Upright Stance

Letter to the Editor

Morales, Javier S.; Valenzuela, Pedro L.; Herrera-Olivares, Alba M.; Baño-Rodrigo, Antonio; Castillo-García, Adrián; Rincón-Castanedo, Cecilia; Martín-Ruiz, Asunción; San Juan, Alejandro F.; Fiuza-Luces, Carmen; Lucia, Alejandro: Reply: Letter to the Editor: Exercise Interventions and Cardiovascular Health in Childhood Cancer: A Meta-Analysis