DOI: 10.1055/s-00046128

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Issue 07 · Volume 31 · July 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49352


Piker, Erin; Jacobson, Gary P.; McCaslin, Devin L.; Felix, Kathie: Slow the Spread of COVID-19—and Get your Audiology CEUs at the Same Time

Research Article

Watts, Kelli M.; Bagatto, Marlene; Clark-Lewis, Sandra; Henderson, Samantha; Scollie, Susan; Blumsack, Judith: Relationship of Head Circumference and Age in the Prediction of the Real-Ear-to-Coupler Difference (RECD)
Gordon-Hickey, Susan; Davis, Shelby; Lewis, Leah; Van Haneghan, James: Improving Acceptance of Background Noise with Sound Enrichment

JAAA CEU Program