DOI: 10.1055/s-00000180

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 82 · Januar 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50140

Original Article

Krauss, Philipp; Oertel, Markus Florian; Baumann-Vogel, Heide; Imbach, Lukas; Baumann, Christian Rainer; Sarnthein, Johannes; Regli, Luca; Stieglitz, Lennart Henning: Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Assessment in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery and its Impact on Lead Placement
Knappe, Ulrich J.; Reinecke, David; Flörke, Michael; Horn, Peter; Schönmayr, Robert: Facet Joint Replacement: Intermediate- and Long-Term Outcome in a Large Case Series
Deopujari, Chandrashekhar E.; Shaikh, Salman T.; Karmarkar, Vikram S.; Sudke, Amol Y.; Mohanty, Chandan B.; Biyani, Naresh K.: Experience with Management of Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts
Tejada, Sonia; Becerra-Castro, Maria Victoria; Nuñez-Cordoba, Jorge; Díez-Valle, Ricardo: Ki-67 Proliferative Activity in the Tumor Margins as a Robust Prognosis Factor in Glioblastoma Patients

Review Article

Wach, Johannes; Banat, Mohammad; Borger, Valeri; Vatter, Hartmut; Haberl, Hannes; Sarikaya-Seiwert, Sevgi: Intraoperative MRI-guided Resection in Pediatric Brain Tumor Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Extent of Resection and Safety Outcomes
Wykes, Victoria; Zisakis, Athanasios; Irimia, Mihaela; Ughratdar, Ismail; Sawlani, Vijay; Watts, Colin: Importance and Evidence of Extent of Resection in Glioblastoma

Case Report

Tokarev, Alexey; Rak, Viacheslav; Stepanov, Valentin; Zuev, Sergey; Evdokimova, Olga; Viktorova, Olga; Rozhnova, Elizabeth: Fractionated Radiosurgical Treatment of Intracerebral Schwannoma: A Case Report and Literature Review
Raymaekers, Vincent; Beck, Tobias; Goebel, Svenja; Janssens, Femke; Van den Branden, Lien; Menovsky, Tomas; Plazier, Mark: An Acute Spinal Intradural Hematoma after an Extraforaminal Wiltse Approach: A Case Report and Review of the Literature