DOI: 10.1055/s-00051518

European Journal of General Dentistry

Issue 01 · Volume 5 · January 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-52135

Original Article

Yalçin, Muhammet; Keleş, Ali; Şişman, Reyhan; Karagöz, Şendoğan: Heat conduciton properties of flowable composite resins
Mirzaii-Dizgah, Mohammad-Hossein; Mirzaii-Dizgah, Iraj; Mirzaii-Dizgah, Mohammad-Reza: Oral glucose tolerance test in unstimulated saliva of healthy individuals
Mohammad, Ziauddin; Namineni, Srinivas; Cheruku, Sampath Reddy; Penmetcha, Sarada; Munnangi, Surendra Reddy; Mallineni, Sreekanth Kumar: Evaluation of relationship of hand wrist radiograph, cervical vertebral maturation with mandibular growth as skeletal maturity indicators in children

Case Report

Pancharethinam, Durgadevi; Chaudhary, Monika; Venkatapathy, Ramesh; Daniel, Mariappan Jonathan: Fibro-osseous lesions of jaws: Analysis of three cases
Ananthaneni, Anuradha; Ponnapalli, Haripriya; Kiresur, Mohammad Asif; Chaitanya, S. V. Krishna: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma involving the palate with lamellated calcifications: A notable finding