DOI: 10.1055/s-00052852

World Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 15 · Juli 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53581


Original article

Pashnehsaz, Mehran; Takavar, Abbas; Izadyar, Sina; Zakariaee, Seyed; Mahmoudi, Mahmoud; Paydar, Reza; Geramifar, Parham: Gastrointestinal side effects of the radioiodine therapy for the patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma two days after prescription

Case report

Sood, Ashwani; Sharma, Aman; Chouhan, Devendra; Gupta, Kirti; Parghane, Rahul; Shukla, Jaya; Mittal, Bhagwant: Failed radiation synovectomy in diseased knee joint with missed tuberculous synovitis
Jain, Tarun; Rayamajhi, Sampanna; Basher, Rajender; Gupta, Dheeraj; Maturu, Venkata; Mittal, Bhagwant: Disseminated skeletal muscle and cardiac metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the lung detected with FDG and FLT PET/CT

Letter to editor