DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 04 · Volume 35 · July 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-54921


Original Research

Kmieciak, Lauren A.; Aulakh, Karanvir S.; Harper, Tisha A.M.; Mitchell, Mark A.; Butler, Ryan J.; Liu, Chin-Chi; Aulakh, Harmeet K.: Comparison of Two Stifle Exploratory Methods Using Mini-Arthrotomy for Diagnosis of Canine Medial Meniscal Pathology: An Ex Vivo Study
Siqueira, Rafael C.; Rahal, Sheila C.; Mesquita, Luciana R.; Voorwald, Fabiana A.; Fernandes, Martin F.; Tosati, Marcos; Ribeiro, Celso R.; Scorsato, Paulo S.: Influence of the Near-Cortical Over-Drilling Technique on the Mechanical Behaviour of Locking Plate Constructs Applied in Maned Wolf's Femur
Gfrerer, Levin; Michel, Silvain; Fürst, Anton E.; Piskoty, Gabor; Weisse, Bernhard; Montavon, Stéphane; Jackson, Michelle A.: Simulated Kick Injury to the Mandible in Horses: Study of Fracture Configurations and Physical Parameters of the Impact
Agnello, Kimberly A.; Brown, Dorothy Cimino; Zyla, Samuel G.; Hayashi, Kei: Arthroscopic Caudal Cruciate Ligament Damage in Canine Stifles with Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease

Clinical Communication