DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 11 · Volume 43 · Oktober 2022 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-55295


Manresa-Rocamora, Agustín; Ribeiro, Fernando; Casanova-Lizón, Antonio; Flatt, Andrew A.; Sarabia, José Manuel; Moya-Ramón, Manuel: Cardiac Rehabilitation Improves Endothelial Function in Coronary Artery Disease Patients

Physiology & Biochemistry

Marôco, João Luís; Pinto, Marco; Laranjo, Sérgio; Santa-Clara, Helena; Fernhall, Bo; Melo, Xavier: Cardiovagal Modulation in Young and Older Male Adults Following Acute Aerobic Exercise

Training & Testing

Brisola, Gabriel Motta Pinheiro; Dobbs, Ward C.; Zagatto, Alessandro Moura; Esco, Michael R.: Tracking the Fatigue Status after a Resistance Exercise through Different Parameters

Training and Testing

Lerebourg, Lucie; Guignard, Brice; L’Hermette, Maxime; Held, Eric; Coquart, Jérémy Bernard: Predictions of the Distance Running Performances of Female Runners Using Different Tools

Genetics and Molecular Biology

Clinical Sciences

Drago, Sebastian; Campodónico, Juan; Sandoval, Mario; Berendsen, Remco; Buijze, Geert Alexander: Voluntary Increase of Minute Ventilation for Prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness