DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 40 · Juli 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57813

SMFM Fellowship Series Article

Whelan, Anna R.; Gimovsky, Alexis C.; Jao, Nancy C.; Werner, Erika F.; Vergara-Lopez, Chrystal; Stroud, Laura R.: Waterpipe Tobacco (Hookah) Use in Pregnancy: Associations with Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
Deihl, Tiffany E.; Bodnar, Lisa M.; Parisi, Sara M.; Himes, Katherine P.: Early Gestational Weight Gain and the Risk of Preeclampsia in Dichorionic Twin Pregnancies
Whelan, Anna R.; Recabo, Olivia; Ayala, Nina K.; Clark, Melissa A.; Lewkowitz, Adam K.: The Association of Perceived Labor Agentry and Depression and/or Anxiety

Original Article

Castillo, Jayme; Zhu, Katherine; Gray, Lauren; Sachse, Sydney; Berra, Alexandra; Belfort, Michael A.; Aalipour, Soroush; Aagaard, Kjersti M.; Shamshirsaz, Alireza A.: YouTube as a Source of Patient Information Regarding Placenta Accreta Spectrum
Andrikopoulou, Maria; Bushman, Elisa T.; Rice, Madeline M.; Grobman, William A.; Reddy, Uma M.; Silver, Robert M.; El-Sayed, Yasser Y.; Rouse, Dwight J.; Saade, George R.; Thorp, John M.; Chauhan, Suneet P.; Costantine, Maged M.; Chien, Edward K.; Casey, Brian M.; Srinivas, Sindhu K.; Swamy, Geeta K.; Simhan, Hyagriv N.; for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health Human Development (NICHD) Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network: Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Nulliparous Participants Undergoing Labor Induction by Cervical Ripening Method
Branch, D. Ware; VanBuren, John M.; Porter, T. Flint; Holmgren, Calla; Holubkov, Richard; Page, Kent; Burchard, Julja; Lam, Garrett K.; Esplin, M. Sean: Prediction and Prevention of Preterm Birth: A Prospective, Randomized Intervention Trial
ElHassan, Nahed O.; Schaefer, Eric W.; Gonzalez, Basilia; Nienaber, Thomas; Brion, Luc P.; Kaiser, Jeffrey R.: Early Transient Hypoglycemia and Test Performance in At-Risk Newborns
Cakir, Salih Cagri; Dorum, Bayram Ali; Koksal, Nilgun; Ozkan, Hilal; Yazici, Zeynep; Parlak, Mufit; Gulleroglu, Nadide Basak: Radiation Exposure in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Newborns and Staff
Mu, Thornton S.; Prescott, Alicia C.; Haischer-Rollo, Gayle D.; Aden, James K.; Shapiro, Jonathan B.: Umbilical Cord Blood Use for Admission Blood Tests of VLBW Preterm Neonates: A Randomized Control Trial
LoRe, Danielle; Mattson, Christopher; Feltman, Dalia M.; Fry, Jessica T.; Brennan, Kathleen G.; Arnolds, Marin: Physician Perceptions on Quality of Life and Resuscitation Preferences for Extremely Early Newborns
Powell, Marcy; Saade, George R.; Thornton, Steve; Pimenta, Jeanne M.; Haque, Nazneen; Miller, Diane; Beach, Kathleen J.; Snidow, Jerry; Correa, Erika Ochoa; Scott, Rhona: Safety and Outcomes in Infants Born to Mothers Participating in Retosiban Treatment Trials: ARIOS Follow-up Study