DOI: 10.1055/s-00000161

The Journal of Knee Surgery

Issue 11 · Volume 36 · September 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57944

Original Article

Kaufman, Matthew W.; Rascoe, Alexander S.; Hii, Jeffrey L.; Thom, Mitchell L.; Levine, Ari D.; Wilber, Roger G.; Hirschfeld, Adam G.; Romeo, Nicholas M.; Wera, Glenn D.: Comparable Outcomes Between Native and Periprosthetic Fractures of the Distal Femur
Rhoads, Colin; Emara, Ahmed K.; Pumo, Thomas; Pan, Xuankang; Zhou, Guangjin; Koroukian, Siran; Krebs, Viktor E.; Piuzzi, Nicolas S.: What Are the Drivers of Readmission for Serious Venous Thromboembolic Events after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty? An Analysis of 862,915 Patients
Rider, Danielle; Gowd, Anirudh K.; Torres, LeeAnne F.; Kaplin, Lisa W.; Waterman, Brian R.: Rates of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rerupture in Adolescent Patients with and without Patella Alta
Chen, Zhongming; Sax, Oliver C.; Bains, Sandeep S.; Hebditch, Cameron S.; Nace, James; Delanois, Ronald E.: Is Conversion Total Knee Arthroplasty a Distinct Surgical Procedure? A Comparison to Primary and Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty
Ochiai, Satoshi; Hagino, Tetsuo; Senga, Shinya; Yamashita, Takashi; Ando, Takashi; Taniguchi, Naofumi; Haro, Hirotaka: Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life and Clinical Evaluations in Patients with the Triad of Combined Knee Injuries
Cognetti, Daniel J.; Sheean, Andrew J.; Arner, Justin W.; Wilkerson, Devaughn; Bradley, James P.: Surgical Management of Patellar Tendinopathy Results in Improved Outcomes and High Rates of Return to Sport: A Systematic Review
Yalcin, Sercan; McCoy, Brett; Farrow, Lutul D.; Johnson, Carrie; Jones, Morgan H.; Kolczun, Michael; Leo, Brian; Miniaci, Anthony; Nickodem, Robert; Parker, Richard; Serna, Alfred; Stearns, Kim; Strnad, Greg; Williams, James; Yuxuan, Jin; Spindler, Kurt P.: Do Patellar Tendon Repairs Have Better Outcomes than Quadriceps Tendon Repairs? A Prospective Cohort Analysis
Okazaki, Yuki; Furumatsu, Takayuki; Hiranaka, Takaaki; Zhang, Ximing; Kintaka, Keisuke; Higashihara, Naohiro; Tamura, Masanori; Kodama, Yuya; Kamatsuki, Yusuke; Ozaki, Toshifumi: Arthroscopic Meniscal Healing following Medial Meniscus Posterior Root Repair: A Comparison between Two Suture Materials