American Journal of Perinatology
Issue 05 ·
Volume 42 ·
April 2025
DOI: 10.1055/s-015-61253
SMFM Fellowship Series Article
Original Article
Carbajal, Melissa M.;
Karpen, Heidi;
Arias-Shah, AnnaMarie;
Gisondo, Carly;
French, Heather M.;
Gray, Megan M.;
Izatt, Susan;
Gillam-Krakauer, Maria;
Johnston, Lindsay C.;
Payne, Allison;
Vasquez, Margarita M.;
Bonachea, Elizabeth M.;
Falck, Alison J.;
Chess, Patricia R.;
Dadiz, Rita:
Cost Comparison of a Traditional Didactic versus National Flipped Classroom Curriculum
Akita, Mitsuyo;
Tomotaki, Seiichi;
Hanaoka, Shintaro;
Araki, Ryosuke;
Motokura, Kouji;
Tomobe, Yutaro;
Tomotaki, Hiroko;
Iwanaga, Kougoro;
Takita, Junko;
Kawai, Masahiko:
Pathophysiology of Hyponatremia in Preterm Infants with Relative Adrenal Insufficiency after the Early Neonatal Period
Siegel, Molly R.;
James, Kaitlyn;
Bromley, Bryann;
Koelper, Nathanael C.;
Chasen, Stephen T.;
Griffin, Laurie;
Roman, Ashley S.;
Limaye, Meghana;
Ranzini, Angela;
Clifford, Caitlin;
Biggio, Joseph R.;
Subramaniam, Akila;
Seasely, Angela R.;
Page, Jessica M.;
Nicholas, Sara S.;
Idler, Jay;
Rao, Rashmi;
Shree, Raj;
McLennan, Graham;
Dugoff, Lorraine;
on behalf of the Twin cfDNA Study Consortium:
First-Trimester Cell-Free DNA Fetal Fraction and Birth Weight in Twin Pregnancies
Kraus, Alexandria C.;
Kucirka, Lauren M.;
Johnson, Julie;
AbouNouar, Albatoul;
Connelly, Sean V.;
Thel, Hannah L.;
Kavi, Heli S.;
Bailey, Brazil M.;
Fox, Madelyn K.;
Malloy, Kimberly;
Conklin, Jamie L.;
Huprich, Erin;
Boggess, Kim A.:
Comparison of Ultrasound Findings Associated with Adverse Fetal, Obstetric, and Neonatal Outcomes in Pregestational Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Grubman, Olivia;
Mitchell, Mackenzie;
Owens, Thomas;
Heiligenstein, Mia;
Kaplowitz, Elianna;
Stoffels, Guillaume;
Al-Ibraheemi, Zainab;
Brustman, Lois;
Ashmead, Graham;
Hussain, Farrah N.:
Routine Transvaginal Ultrasound at the Time of the Anatomy Scan: To Do or Not To Do?