Homœopathic Links 2022; 35(03): 243-244
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1757339
Book Review

Materia Medica Viva, Volume 13, by George Vithoulkas

Jay Yasgur
1   United States
› Author Affiliations

Materia Medica Viva, Volume 13 (2021) by George Vithoulkas [ISBN: 978-618-83312-4-2. 6”x9.5”; 278 page ppk; $40. published by the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH)]. www.vithoulkasbooks.gr ; www.vithoulkas.com ; www.vithoulkas.edu.gr

George Vithoulkas' (b. July 25, 1932) thirteenth volume in his Materia Medica Viva series has just been published. Several of the previous volumes (they began in 2000) were offered as a hardback but this offering is a quality bound paperback of 278 pages yet numbered consecutively (2795-3073). The remedies covered are: Kali ars., bich., brom., carb., iod., mur., nitr., phos., sulph., Kalmia latifolia and Kreosotum.

This work is the usual fare, and very good fare at that and what we've come to expect from the homeopathic maestro who, as you likely know, received the Right Livelihood Award (aka Alternative Nobel Prize) for 1996; 1980 was the first year this award began. This yearly award recognizes those offering practical and noteworthy answers or solutions to urgent challenges which face the world today. During that same year he was invited to speak before the EU parliament to explain homeopathy to that body, after which, the membership noted the benefits homeopathy could offer the EU community.

Vithoulkas has written many books including, Homeopathy: Medicine of the New Man (1979), Additions to Kent's Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (1989), The Bern Seminars 1987 (Ulrich Burgdorf, 1989; IACH, 2009), A New Model for Health and Disease (North Atlantic Books, 1991; IACH, 2008), The Celle Seminars (Ulrich Burgdorf, 1992; IACH, 2009), Homeopathy: Medicine for the New Millennium (2000), The Esalen Conferences Vols. I & II (2010), The Essence of Materia Medica (2002), Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety & Jealousy (2004; 2011) and The Science of Homeopathy (1980) which could be considered his opus. It was followed thirty years later by Levels of Health (BJain, 2010; IACH, 2017) which he calls Vol. II, as it is a continuation of the 1980 treatise which many of us cut our homeopathic teeth on. Most of these books have been translated into a number of languages -of course he has written numerous articles and continues to teach and hold e-seminars with regularity. Vithoulkas has received many awards and honorary professorships.2

His Materia Medica Viva (IACH, 2000-) is his serialized compendium and Vol. 13–Kali arsenicosum to Kreosotum, is the subject of this review.

This work, like the others, is the typical materia medica along with the author's banter (often quoting Kent) before brief cases are added from a variety of our noted homeopathic ancestors. These cases follow the specific entry. For example, after Kali ars. the following are presented: 'Cancer of the stomach,' 'Deafness,' 'Diffuse nephritis,' Epithelioma,' Folliculitis,' 'Leucocythaemia,' 'Papilloma of the bladder,' 'Psoriasis extending over the whole body, including the face,' 'Rheumatism, asthma, frontal headache, morning hoarseness,' 'Tormenting jealousy,' 'Ulcers after rattlesnake bite,' 'Uterine cauliflower excrescence,' 'Weakness, emaciation, urine containing sugar and urates.' This last case, one of Dr. R.E.S. Hayes,' contained no citing at all: all the cases throughout, include the homeopath's name but are generally uncited or scantily so and without comments by Vithoulkas.

As I mentioned, he often quotes Kent and as an example of this... “A deep, long-acting remedy, one much abused by traditional medicine in the form of Fowler's solution [many of the cases in this entry are treated using drop doses of Fowler's solution - Liquor Potassae Arsenitis]. It was used extensively after quinine had failed, as a tonic; for all sorts of skin disorders, for syphilis, for anaemia, etc. It is a most positive remedy in all of these complaints, when it suits the patient's symptoms. (Note the closing phrase). Complaints especially from 1 to 3 am. ...Chilliness is very marked; extreme sensitiveness to cold; complaints aggravated from cold, from cold air and from becoming cold. Takes cold from a draft. Anaemia, chlorosis. Ascending brings on the suffocation, cough and manifests the weakness of the body. ...Most complaints are aggravated after eating and after exertion. ...Aggravation from cold food, cold drinks, milk and fat food. ...All mucous membranes become catarrhal.

“It is a deep-acting anti-psoric, often useful in rheumatic and gouty complaints.

“Warmth ameliorates most complaints. Arsenic is stamped upon the mental symptoms.”–pp.


While not the most artistically presented, this book is replete with information, often confirming one's thought about the remedy. Perhaps in the future GV will include exact citings so that the reader can, at his leisure, seek out the entire context of the case.

Publication History

Article published online:
30 September 2022

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