DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787783
Original Research Article

Solvatochromic Dyes Track a Homeopathic Preparation through Water-Stream Systems in a Program to Control Tick Infestation at a Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center in Brazil

Nathalia Salles Scortegagna de Medeiros
1   Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Research Center, Universidade Paulista—UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil
Andréia Adelaide G. Pinto
1   Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Research Center, Universidade Paulista—UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil
Sérgio Frana
1   Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Research Center, Universidade Paulista—UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil
Mônica Filomena Souza
2   SIGO Homeopatia, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Ivana Barbosa Suffredini
1   Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Research Center, Universidade Paulista—UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil
Steven John Cartwright
3   Cherwell Laboratory for Fundamental Research in Homeopathy, Oxford, United Kingdom
1   Graduate Program in Environmental and Experimental Pathology, Research Center, Universidade Paulista—UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil
› Author Affiliations


Introduction In 2021, the area of CRAS (Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Selvagens – Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center), located in a state park in Campo Grande City, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, was suffering from a tick infestation affecting wild animals that inhabit the area and humans that visited its trails. Following a formal technical–scientific cooperation agreement between IMASUL, an institute for the environment in Mato Grosso do Sul state, and SIGO Homeopatia, a formulated homeopathic complex (Formula Parques Urbanos, FPU) was designed and prepared specifically to treat the animals. This environmental intervention used specially designed slow-release water biodegradable devices. Tracking the FPU signal in water was necessary to monitor and manage the intervention.

Aims Our aims were (1) to evaluate, among six previously standardized solvatochromic dyes, which would serve as a marker for the homeopathic complex under study; and (2) to evaluate whether the chosen solvatochromic dye could map the propagation of the homeopathic complex activity throughout the stream system from water samples harvested at different locations over time.

Method Water samples were harvested from each point at different times, filtered, frozen, and sent to the laboratory, where they were prepared at 1cH potency for analysis using 30% ethanol as the vehicle. Solvatochromic dyes were used to analyze the samples since they alter their absorbance when in contact with homeopathic potencies. Of the six dyes tested, Coumarin 7 was found to be the most suitable for tracking the FPU complex. A static and average unidirectional magnetic field of 2,400 Gauss (240 mT), generated by a neodymium magnet, was applied to the samples immediately before reading.

Results There were significant differences in the delta absorbance of dyes when adding treated/potentized water samples, making it possible to map the propagation of the FPU signal throughout the park over time. The signals were identifiable at the same point 1 minute and 32 days after the insertion of the device into the water. These signals were also identifiable after 75 minutes and 8 days at a point far from the insertion place.

Conclusion Coumarin 7 was the best marker for the homeopathic complex (FPU) used to treat the wild animals living in the park. The microplates/enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reader method and the application of a magnetic field to samples were shown to be effective in tracing homeopathic signals by changes in dye absorbance (p ≤ 0.02) in a real-life situation, with large volumes of water, involving many environmental variables, and over large distances.

Authors' Contributions

N.S.S.M.—Main researcher, postgraduate student, involved in most of the experimental procedures.

A.A.G.P.—Experimental procedures—solvatochromic dyes tests.

S.F.—Experimental procedures—solvatochromic dyes tests.

M.F.S.—FPU formulation; treatment strategy; water sampling.

I.B.S.—Experimental procedures—solvatochromic dyes tests.

S.J.C.—Experimental design with solvatochromic dyes.

L.V.B.—Main Adviser, coordination of all steps of the study, and discussion of results.

Supplementary Material

Publication History

Received: 04 March 2024

Accepted: 25 April 2024

Article published online:
09 September 2024

© 2024. Faculty of Homeopathy. This article is published by Thieme.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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