Am J Perinatol 2003; 20(3): 137-146
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-40012
Copyright © 2003 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel.: +1(212) 584-4662

Expired Nitric Oxide in the Newborn with High Risk of Perinatal Infection

J. Figueras-Aloy1 , Y. Jordín1 , J. M. Rodraguez-Miguélez1 , W. Jiménez2 , F. Botet1 , X. Carbonell1 , R. Jiménez1
  • 1Neonatal Unit, Institut Clínic de Ginecologia, Obstetrícia i Neonatologia, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • 2Hormonal Laboratory, Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Unitat Integrada de Pediatria, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
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Publication History

Publication Date:
12 June 2003 (online)


The objective of this study is to determine expired nitric oxide (expNO) in the first 3 days of life in relation to: hours of life, gestational age, type of labor, and risk of perinatal infection. Our hypothesis has been that expNO increases in newborns with high risk of perinatal infection. Total expNO was measured in 166 newborns: 108 healthy (63 full-term and 45 preterm), 30 with low risk of perinatal infection, and 28 with high risk of perinatal infection treated with antibiotics but without positive hemoculture. Expired gas was collected using a face mask and NO concentration was determined by chemiluminescence. Total expNO neither correlated with gestational age, birth weight or serum NOx, nor changed after cesarean section, but was related to hours of life. Total expNO in the ≤ 36-hour subgroups (median, interquartile range) was higher in the high-risk perinatal infection newborns (n = 8; 5.33 (4.5-7.2) nL/min1Kg) than in healthy newborns (n = 59; 4.13 (3.5-4.7) nL/min1kg) or low-risk perinatal infection newborns (n = 18; 3.99 (3.4-4.7) nL/min1 kg). In the 37 to 72-hour subgroups there were also differences between healthy newborns (n = 49; 4.68 (4.1-5.3) nL/min1 kg) or low-risk perinatal infection newborns on the one hand (n = 12, 4.55 (3.9-5.2) nL/min1 kg) and high risk perinatal infection newborns on the other (n = 20; 9.69 (7.6-11.1) nL/min1 kg). Then, total expNO increased in newborns with high risk of perinatal infection, regardless of hours of life.


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