Methods Inf Med 1999; 38(01): 16-24
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634148
Original article
Schattauer GmbH

ArchiMed: A Medical Information and Retrieval System

W. Dorda
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
Th. Wrba
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
G. Duftschmid
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
P. Sachs
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
W. Gall
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
Ch. Rehnelt
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
G. Boldt
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
W. Premauer
1   Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria
› Author Affiliations
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Publication History

Publication Date:
08 February 2018 (online)


ArchiMed is a highly flexible medical data storage and retrieval system which adds sophisticated clinical research support to a standard hospital information system (HIS).

Currently, the HIS of Vienna General Hospital-University Hospital (2000 beds) stores the clinical data of over 2 million patients. While this system supports patient care (e.g., ADT, clinical chemistry, diagnosis, procedures), it has no features to facilitate research, such as the management of clinical studies.

ArchiMed is designed to support clinical research. It includes an independent database, which mirrors virtually all the information held in the HIS while also allowing new data to be collected independently and to be added to the database. Flexible retrieval and analysis of data contained in the database are then possible. Thus, existing patient data can be smoothly incorporated into a study together with data collected specifically for research purposes. The system has already been successfully installed in the departments of surgery and soon in other departments as well.


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