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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-122101
„StigMa“ – Evaluation eines psychologischen Therapieprogramms zu Stigma-Management
„StigMa“ – Evaluation of a Psychological Therapy Program for Stigma-ManagementPublication History
Publication Date:
03 April 2017 (online)

Ziel der Studie Evaluation des Therapieprogramms „StigMa“ zum Umgang mit internalisiertem Stigma für psychisch Kranke.
Methode 26 tagesklinische PatientInnen absolvierten das Programm „StigMa“, 20 Personen dienten als Kontrollgruppe. Prä-post-Messungen erfolgten mittels der Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness-Skala (ISMI) [1].
Ergebnisse Trotz sehr guter Bewertungen des Programms durch die Therapiegruppe, ließen sich keine signifikanten Interaktionseffekte nachweisen.
Schlussfolgerungen Unter Berücksichtigung inhaltlicher und methodischer Optimierung soll StigMa erneut evaluiert werden.
Objective The project „Stigma Management – StigMa” aims on the evaluation of an adaptive therapy program for patients with psychiatric illness to help them in managing internalized stigma and self-stigmatization.
Methods The patients for this pilot-study were recruited in day-hospitals of pro mente tirol. 26 patients participated in 11 group sessions, following 6 modules: „Education“, „Activation of Resources“, „Social Network“, „Self-Esteem“, „Social competence in public places“ and „My personal stigma management“. The control group consisted of 20 patients who did not participate in StigMa. Pre-post-evaluation was done by the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness-Scale [1].
Results No significant interaction effects could be observed, although in the treatment group, the burden of perceived discrimination was significantly less pronounced after training than before it. The program, however, was evaluated as being extremely positive by the participants.
Conclusions The program StigMa will be adapted in accordance with the suggestions of the participants and reevaluated taking into consideration methodological optimization.
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