Eur J Pediatr Surg 2008; 18(2): 111-116
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1038479
Special Report

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

European Biliary Atresia Registries: Summary of a Symposium

C. Petersen1 , D. Harder1 , Z. Abola2 , D. Alberti3 , T. Becker4 , C. Chardot5 , M. Davenport6 , A. Deutschmann7 , K. Khelif8 , H. Kobayashi9 , N. Kvist10 , J. Leonhardt1 , M. Melter11 , M. Pakarinen12 , J. Pawlowska13 , A. Petersons2 , E.-D. Pfister2 , 14 , M. Rygl15 , R. Schreiber16 , R. Sokol17 , B. Ure1 , C. Veiga18 , H. Verkade19 , B. Wildhaber20 , B. Yerushalmi21 , D. Kelly22
  • 1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany
  • 2Pediatric Surgery, University Children's Hospital, Riga, Latvia
  • 3Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Liver Transplant Center, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
  • 4Transplant Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
  • 5Pediatric Surgery, University of Children's Hospital, On Behalf of the French Observatory of Biliary Atresia, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 6Paediatric Surgery, King's College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
  • 7Pediatrics, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria
  • 8Pediatric Surgery, Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium
  • 9Pediatric General and Urogenital Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
  • 10Pediatric Surgery, Rigshospitalet, København, Denmark
  • 11Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Regensburg, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
  • 12Pediatric Surgery, Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 13Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Immunology, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
  • 14Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
  • 15Pediatric Surgery, 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Teaching Hospital in Motol, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 16Pediatric Gastroenterology, BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
  • 17Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine and The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado, United States
  • 18Hepatology and Liver Transplantation, Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  • 19Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Medical Center Groningen, On Behalf of the Netherlands Study Group of Biliary Atresia (NeSBAR), Groningen, Netherlands
  • 20Pediatric Surgery, University of Children's Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 21Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
  • 22Liver Unit, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Further Information

Publication History

received December 24, 2007

accepted after revision January 17, 2008

Publication Date:
25 April 2008 (online)


Biliary atresia (BA) is a rare but potentially devastating disease. The European Biliary Atresia Registry (EBAR) was set up to improve data collection and to develop a pan-national and interdisciplinary strategy to improve clinical outcomes. From 2001 to 2005, 100 centers from 22 countries registered with EBAR via its website ( In June 2006, the first meeting was held to evaluate results and launch further initiatives. During a 5-year period, 60 centers from 19 European countries and Israel sent completed registration forms for a total of 514 BA patients. Assuming the estimated incidence of BA in Europe is 1 : 18 000 live births, 35 % of the expected 1488 patients from all EBAR participating countries were captured, suggesting that reporting arrangements need improvement. At the meeting, the cumulative evaluation of 928 BA patients including patients from other registries with variable follow-up revealed an overall survival of 78 % (range from 41 % to 92 %), of whom 342 patients (37 %) have had liver transplants. Survival with native liver ranged from 14 % to 75 %. There was a marked variance in reported management and outcome by country (e.g., referral patterns, timing of surgery, centralization of surgery). In conclusion, EBAR represents the first attempt at an overall evaluation of the outcome of BA from a pan-European perspective. The natural history and outcome of biliary atresia is of considerable relevance to a European population. It is essential that there is further support for a pan-European registry with coordination of clinical standards, further participation of parent support groups, and implementation of online data entry and multidisciplinary clinical and basic research projects.


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  • 2 Chardot C. Treatment for biliary atresia in 2003.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003;  37 407-408
  • 3 Chardot C, Carton M, Spire Bendelac N, Le Pommelet C, Golmard J L, Auvert B. Epidemiology of biliary atresia in France: a national study 1986 - 96.  J Hepatology. 1999;  31 1006-1013
  • 4 Chardot C, Carton M, Spire-Bendelac N, Le Pommelet C. et al . Prognosis of biliary atresia in the era of liver transplantation: French national study from 1986 to 1996.  Hepatology. 1999;  30 606-611
  • 5 Davenport M, De Ville de Goyet J, Stringer M D. et al . Seamless management of biliary atresia in England and Wales (1999 - 2002).  Lancet. 2004;  363 1354-1357
  • 6 Davenport M, Ure B M, Petersen C. et al . Surgery for biliary atresia - is there a European consensus?.  Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2007;  17 180-183
  • 7 Karrer F M, Lilly J R, Stewart B A. et al . Biliary atresia registry, 1976 to 1989.  J Pediatr Surg. 1990;  25 1076-1080
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  • 9 Nio M, Ohi R, Miyano T. et al . Five- and 10-year survival rates after surgery for biliary atresia: a report from the Japanese Biliary Atresia Registry.  J Pediatr Surg. 2003;  38 997-1000
  • 10 Petersen C. Biliary atresia: interdisciplinary initiatives focus on a rare disease.  Pediatr Surg Int. 2007;  23 521-527
  • 11 Petersen C, Melter M, Leonhardt J. et al . Biliary atresia research is crossing national and interdisciplinary borderlines.  Acta Pediatrica . 2005;  94 526-527
  • 12 Proceedings of the 6th International Sendai Symposium on Biliary Atresia. Japan, May 20 - 21, 1996.  Tohoku J Exp Med. 1997;  181 1-244
  • 13 Schreiber R A, Kleinman R E. Biliary atresia.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002;  35 S11-S16
  • 14 Serinet M O, Broue P, Jacquemin E, Lachaux A, Sarles J, Gottrand F, Gauthier F, Chardot C. Management of biliary atresia in France: results of a decentralised policy 1986 - 2002.  Hepatology. 2006;  44 75-84
  • 15 Shneider B L, Brown M B, Haber B. et al . A multicenter study of the outcome of biliary atresia in the United States, 1997 to 2000.  J Pediatr. 2006;  148 467-474
  • 16 Sokol R J. New North American research network focuses on biliary atresia and neonatal liver disease.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003;  36 1
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  • 18 Sokol R J, Shepherd R W, Superina R. et al . Screening and outcomes in biliary atresia: summary of a National Institutes of Health workshop.  Hepatology. 2007;  46 566-581

Prof. Claus Petersen

Department of Pediatric Surgery
Medical School Hannover

Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1

30625 Hannover

