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DOI: 10.3414/ME15-02-0001
Cognitive Maps to Visualise Clinical Cases in Handovers
Design, Implementation, Usability, and Attractiveness TestingPublication History
01 January 2015
01 September 2015
Publication Date:
22 January 2018 (online)

Background: Clinical handovers at changes of shifts are typical scenarios of time restricted and information intensive communication, which are highly cognitively demanding. The currently available applications supporting handovers typically present complex information in a textual checklist-like manner. This presentation style has been criticised for not meeting the specific user requirements.
Objectives: We, therefore, aimed at developing a concept for visualising the overview of a clinical case that serves as an alternative way to checklist-like presentations in clinical handovers. We also aimed at implementing this concept in a handoverEHR in order to support the pre-handover phase, the actual handover, and the post-handover phase as well as at evaluating its usability and attractiveness.
Results: We developed and implemented a concept that draws on Tolman’s pioneering work on cognitive maps that we designed in accordance with Gestalt principles. These maps provide a pictorial overview of a clinical case. The application to build, manipulate, and store the cognitive maps was integrated into an openEHR based handover record that extends conventional records with handover specific information. Usability (n = 28) and attractiveness (n = 26) testing with experienced clinicians resulted in good ratings for suitability for the task as well as for attractiveness and pragmatism.
Conclusion: We propose cognitive maps to represent and visualise the clinical case in situations where there is limited time to present complex information.
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