DOI: 10.1055/b-002-76310
Schmitt, Rainer; Lanz, Ulrich: 2008

Diagnostic Imaging of the Hand

Print ISBN 9781588904539 · Online ISBN 9783131619419
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Herausgeber: Schmitt, Rainer; Lanz, Ulrich

Autoren: Buchberger, Wolfgang; Christopoulos, Georgios; Fellner, Franz; Froehner, Steffen; Hahn, Peter; Helmberger, Thomas; Heuck, Andreas; Horwitz, Alfred; Krimmer, Hermann; Lingg, Gerwin; Metz, Viktor; Prommersberger, Karl-Josef; Reutter, Nicole; Rosenthal, Herbert; Schindler, Gerhard; van Schoonhoven, Joerg; Spindler-Thiele, Sieglinde; Spitz, Joerg; Staebler, Axel

Titel: Diagnostic Imaging of the Hand

Print ISBN: 9781588904539; Online ISBN: 9783131619419; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-002-76310

Fachgebiete: Radiologie, Bildgebende Verfahren

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Imaging Techniques of the Hand
Anatomic and Functional Prerequisites for Diagnostic Imaging of the Hand
Growth, Normal Variants, and Malformations of the Hand
Injuries of the Hand and Traumatic Sequelae
Diseases of the Hand Caused by Local or Systemic Degeneration
Diseases of the Hand Related to Systemic Metabolic Diseases
Inflammatory Diseases of the Hand
Inflammatory Diseases of the Bones and Soft Tissues
Tumorous and Tumorlike Diseases of the Hand
Neuropathies and Vasculopathies of the Hand
Differential Diagnostic Tables: Diseases of the Hand