Connell, Bruce F. et al.: 2016 Aesthetic Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck DOI: 10.1055/b-0036-141959

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Editors: Connell, Bruce F.; Sundine, Michael J.

Authors: Alrasheed, Taiba; Bass, Lawrence S.; Bell, Thomas A. B.; Born, Trevor M.; Chen, William P.; Choucair, Ramsey J.; Connell, Bruce F.; Costa, Christopher R.; Drolet, Brian C.; Elyassnia, Dino R.; Fedok, Fred G.; Flowers, Robert S.; Forley, Bryan G.; Gossman, M. Douglas; Guo, Yifan; Hamilton, Steven M.; Kassabian, Garo; Marten, Timothy J.; McCollough, E. Gaylon; Miller, Scott R.; Nassif, John; Neurohr, G. Hunt; Nikolov, Nicholas; Pozner, Jason N.; Saad, Ahmad N.; Schembri, Paul; Sullivan, Patrick K.; Sundine, Michael J.; Wu, Woffles T. L.

Title: Aesthetic Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck

Print ISBN: 9781626230897; Online ISBN: 9781626230903; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-004-140684

Subjects: Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)


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