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DOI: 10.1055/a-0761-9742
Nomenclature and semantic description of vascular lesions in small bowel capsule endoscopy: an international Delphi consensus statement[*]
Publication History
submitted 07 May 2018
accepted after revision 09 August 2018
Publication Date:
28 February 2019 (online)

Background and study aims Nomenclature and descriptions of small bowel (SB) vascular lesions in capsule endoscopy (CE) are scarce in the medical literature. They are mostly based on the reader's opinion and thus differ between experts, with a potential negative impact on clinical care, teaching and research regarding SBCE. Our aim was to better define a nomenclature and to give a description of the most frequent vascular lesions in SBCE.
Methods A panel of 18 European expert SBCE readers was formed during the UEGW 2016 meeting. Three experts constructed an Internet-based four-round Delphi consensus, but did not participate in the voting process. They built questionnaires that included various still frames of vascular lesions obtained with a third-generation SBCE system. The 15 remaining participants were asked to rate different proposals and description of the most common SB vascular lesions. A 6-point rating scale (varying from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’) was used successive rounds. The consensus was reached when at least 80 % voting members scored the statement within the ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’.
Results Consensual terms and descriptions were reached for angiectasia/angiodysplasia, erythematous patch, red spot/dot, and phlebectasia. A consensual description was reached for more subtle vascular lesions tentatively named “diminutive angiectasia” but no consensus was reached for this term.
Conclusion An international group has reached a consensus on the nomenclature and descriptions of the most frequent and relevant SB vascular lesions in CE. These terms and descriptions are useful in daily practice, for teaching and for medical research purposes.
* Meeting presentations: 25th United European Gastroenterology Week 2017
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