DOI: 10.1055/s-00025476

Endoscopy International Open

Volume 13 · 2025 DOI: 10.1055/s-015-60914

Publication Date: 26 February 2025

Original article

Boccia, Maria; Pugliese, Manuela; Cantelli, Marika; Fierro, Alessandro; Turco, Rossella; Gragnaniello, Piergiorgio; Salatto, Alessia; Carangelo, Ludovica; Caldore, Mariano; Quitadamo, Paolo: Pediatric cylindrical battery ingestion

Original article

Original article

Kinzel, Tobias Horst; Reich, Viktoria; Schuhmacher, Leonie; Bojarski, Christian; Adler, Andreas; Veltzke-Schlieker, Wielfried; Jürgensen, Christian; Tacke, Frank; Siegmund, Britta; Buchkremer, Juliane; Branchi, Federica; Treese, Christoph: Hybrid percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (Hybrid PEG) improves patient safety by combining pull-through technique with gastropexy

Original article

Lagström, Ronja Maria Birgitta; Bräuner, Karoline Bendix; Bielik, Julia; Rosen, Andreas Weinberger; Crone, Julie Gräs; Gögenur, Ismail; Bulut, Mustafa: Improvement in adenoma detection rate by artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopy: Multicenter quasi-randomized controlled trial

Original article

Machlab, Salvador; Lorenzo-Zúñiga, Vicente; Pantaleon, Miguel Angel; Sábado, Fernando; Arieira, Cátia; Pérez Arellano, Elena; Cotter, José; Carral, David; Turbí Disla, Carmen; Gorjão, Ricardo; Esteban, Jose Miguel; Rodriguez, Sarbelio: Real-world effectiveness and safety of 1L polyethylene glycol and ascorbic acid for bowel preparation in patients aged 80 years or older

Original article

Massimi, Davide; Maselli, Roberta; Pecere, Silvia; Spada, Cristiano; Andrisani, Gianluca; Di Matteo, Francesco Maria; La Terra, Antonella; Coppola, Franco; Capogreco, Antonio; De Sire, Roberto; Alfarone, Ludovico; Menini, Maddalena; Spadaccini, Marco; Hassan, Cesare; Repici, Alessandro: Efficacy and safety of H-APC in Barrett's esophagus: Italian prospective multicenter study

Publication Date: 06 February 2025

Letter to the editor

Publication Date: 05 February 2025

Innovation forum

Kadkhodayan, Kambiz; Khan, Zubair; Irani, Shayan; Viana, Artur; Chandan, Saurabh; Pathak, Sagar; Abassi, Abdullah; Arain, Mustafa A; Hayat, Maham; Jain, Deepanshu; Yang, Dennis; Hasan, Muhammad Khalid; Bello Vincentelli, Gustavo: Endoscopic blind limb reduction with septotomy for the treatment of candy cane syndrome after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: Pilot feasibility study

Innovation forum

Kadkhodayan, Kambiz; Pathak, Sagar; Chandan, Saurabh; Abassi, Abdullah; Viana, Artur; Hayat, Maham; Arain, Mustafa A; Cosgrove, Natalie; Jain, Deepanshu; Yang, Dennis; Hasan, Muhammad Khalid; Irani, Shayan: EUS-guided rendezvous is a viable salvage technique for failed billiary cannulation in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass undergoing BAE-ERCP

Original article

Chan, Man Wai; Nieuwenhuis, Esther A.; Meijer, Sybren L; Jansen, Marnix; Vieth, Michael; van Berge Henegouwen, Mark I.; Pouw, R. E.: Reassessment reveals underestimation of infiltration depth in surgical resection specimens with lymph-node positive T1b esophageal adenocarcinoma

Original article

Pasquale, Luigi; Grande, Giuseppe; Zagari, Rocco Maurizio; Biancheri, Paolo; Pisani, Antonio; Da Massa Carrara, Paola; Germanà, Bastianello; Ciliberto, Enrico; Cengia, Gianpaolo; Lamazza, Antonietta; Lorenzini, Patrizia; Carati, Mariavittoria V; Laterza, Liboria; Pigò, Flavia; Picascia, Desiree; Stillitano, Carmelo; Pollastro, Matteo; Dal Pont, Elisabetta; Maraggi, Stefania; Conigliaro, Rita; Galloro, Giuseppe: Day before late regimen vs standard split dose of low-volume PEG-CS for early morning colonoscopy: Multicenter randomized controlled trial

Original article

Yokouchi, Takashi; Masunaga, Teppei; Miyazaki, Kurato; Kato, Motohiko; Fujii, Shota; Momose, Kota; Yamashita, Kotaro; Saito, Takuro; Tanaka, Koji; Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Makino, Tomoki; Takahashi, Tsuyoshi; Kurokawa, Yukinori; Eguchi, Hidetoshi; Doki, Yuichiro; Nakajima, Kiyokazu: Novel device for blunt dissection in third space endoscopy: Preliminary animal study (with video)


Mega, Paulo Ferreira; Brunaldi, Vitor Ottoboni; Bestetti, Alexandre Moraes; Kum, Angelo So Taa; de Sousa, Igor Valdeir; Lera dos Santos, Marcos Eduardo; de Moura, Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux: Over-the-scope clips vs standard endoscopic interventions for first-line treatment of NVUGI bleeding: Meta-analysis of randomized trials

Publication Date: 30 January 2025

Original article

Engelke, Carsten; Hatem, Yaser; Maaß, Carlos; Kraus, Martin; Thomaschewski, Michael; Jacob, Fabian; Kloeckner, Roman; Sieren, Malte Maria; Keck, Tobias; Marquardt, Jens U; Hoeppner, Jens; Kirstein, Martha Maria: Pull-through endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure therapy for complicated leaks of the gastrointestinal tract: Novel technique

Publication Date: 29 January 2025

Original article

Doi, Hirosato; Takahashi, Masanori; Sasajima, Keita; Yoshii, Takehiro; Chinzei, Ryo: Efficacy and safety of conservative treatment for colonic diverticular bleeding: Prospective study

Original article

Moy, Benjamin M; Hussain, Hero; Yu, Jessica X; Platt, Kevin D; Machicado, Jorge D; Kwon, Richard S; Wamsteker, Erik-Jan; Philips, George M; Schulman, Allison R: Radiographic, fluoroscopic, and endosonographic predictors of failed EUS-guided transgastric stent placement in patients with Roux-en-Y bypass anatomy

Original article

Rodriguez-Carrasco, Marta; Esposito, Gianluca; Dilaghi, Emanuele; Manfredi, Guido; Alicante, Saverio; Buscarini, Elisabetta; Annibale, Bruno; Dinis-Ribeiro, Mário: Endoscopic grading of gastric intestinal metaplasia using blue light imaging in a low-risk population: Multicenter cross-sectional validation study
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