Background and study aims Endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) involves several technical issues that need to be addressed. We devised a novel technique termed third-space EFTR and investigated its feasibility and safety in animal models.
Methods Third-space EFTR was performed in three isolated porcine stomachs (ex vivo) and four live pigs (in vivo, 1-week survival). The technique involved a circumferential mucosal incision, submucosal tunnelling on the proximal side, endoscopic suturing of the surrounding mucosa, a circumferential seromuscular incision in the submucosal tunnel, transoral retrieval and entry site closure of the tunnel. The technical outcomes were investigated.
Results In the ex vivo study, the procedure was successfully completed with R0 resection. In the in vivo study, the procedure was completed in all pigs; however, R0 resection failed in one pig owing to snaring resection. All pigs survived without severe adverse events.
Conclusions Our findings indicate that third-space EFTR is feasible and safe. This technique may be useful as a minimally invasive endoscopic option for reliable treatment of small gastric submucosal tumours.
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