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DOI: 10.1055/a-0864-7124
Vascular Ultrasonography Analysis of the Steal Phenomena Following Common Carotid Artery Obstruction
Vaskuläre Sonografie-Analyse der Steal-Phänomene nach einer Obstruktion der HalsschlagaderPublikationsverlauf
25. November 2018
21. Februar 2019
20. März 2019 (online)
High-grade stenotic or occlusive diseases of the common carotid artery (CCA) are not rare in clinical practice and can be seen in diverse cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, vasculitis, thrombosis, dissection etc. Collateral circulation often forms secondary to these obstructive lesions to maintain cerebral perfusion. Herein, we describe and analyze nine patients ([Table 1]) with a rare hemodynamic phenomenon “CCA steal”, resulting from severe obstructive diseases of the CCA, or both the right CCA and innominate artery (INA).
M: month; y: year-old; yrs: years; AS: atherosclerosis; TH: thrombosis; TA: Takayasu arteritis; –: not TA; NF: no follow-up; AVs: artificial vessels.