DOI: 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Issue 01 · Volume 46 · February 2025 · Sample Issue DOI: 10.1055/s-015-61013


Cantisani, V.; Dietrich, C. F.; Jenssen, C.; Bertolotto, M.; Brkljačić, B.; De Silvestri, A.; Scotti, V.: MPUS is a big step forward for small organs Article in several languages: English | deutsch

Continuing Medical Education

Cantisani, Vito; Bojunga, Jörg; Durante, Cosimo; Dolcetti, Vincenzo; Pacini, Patrizia: Multiparametric ultrasound evaluation of thyroid nodules Article in several languages: English | deutsch

Guidelines & Recommendations

von Kaisenberg, Constantin; Kozlowski, Peter; Kagan, Karl-Oliver; Hoopmann, Markus; Heling, Kai-Sven; Chaoui, Rabih; Klaritsch, Philipp; Pertl, Barbara; Burkhardt, Tilo; Tercanli, Sevgi; Frenzel, Jochen; Mundlos, Christine: Firsttrimester Diagnosis and Therapy @ 11–13+6 Weeks of Gestation – Part 1 Article in several languages: English | deutsch

Original Article

Bitterer, Florian; Bauer, Andreas; Glehr, Gunther; Brunner, Stefan; Schmidt, Katharina; Schlitt, Hans Jürgen; Jung, Ernst Michael; Hackl, Christina: Intraoperative contrast-enhanced ultrasound has an outcome-relevant impact on surgery of primary and metastatic liver lesions Intraoperativer kontrastmittelverstärkter Ultraschall beeinflusst klinisch relevant das chirurgische Outcome von primären Lebertumoren und Lebermetastasen
Kim, Jaewon; Kim, Jae Min; Park, Hae-Yeon; Kim, In Jong: Ultrasound-Guided Modified Thread Carpal Tunnel Release for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Pilot Study Ultraschallgesteuerter modifizierter Thread Carpal Tunnel Release bei Karpaltunnelsyndrom: Eine Pilotstudie
Safai Zadeh, Ehsan; Görg, Mathis; Görg, Christian; Prosch, Helmut; Trenker, Corinna; Westhoff, Christina Carolin; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Raab, Nils; Alhyari, Amjad; Huber, Katharina; Pochepnia, Svitlana; Weber, Michael; Findeisen, Hajo: The value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in percutaneous biopsy of retroperitoneal masses Der Stellenwert des kontrastverstärkten Ultraschalls bei der perkutanen Biopsie retroperitonealer Raumforderungen


Sapantzoglou, Ioakeim; Asimakopoulos, Georgios; Fasoulakis, Zacharias; Tasias, Konstantinos; Daskalakis, Georgios; Antsaklis, Panagiotis: Prenatal detection of mild fetal ventriculomegaly – a systematic review of the modern literature Pränatale Diagnose der leichten fetalen Ventrikulomegalie – Eine systematische Übersicht über die aktuelle Literatur

Rapid Communication

Lüdke, Theresa; Paliege, Alexander; Kluge, Anne; Olesch, Falk-Tony; Hilger, Gregor; Beleites, Thomas; Kemper, Max: Low-cost simulation model for ultrasound-guided punch biopsy and puncture: Construction manual and photo examples Kostengünstiges Simulationsmodell für Ultraschall-gestützte Punktionen und Stanzbiopsien: Anleitung und Fotobeispiele

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