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DOI: 10.1055/a-1029-6494
Publication History
Publication Date:
16 March 2020 (online)

High-quality treatment of patients suffering from allergies should be a first priority of ENT specialists. In daily routine of otolaryngologists, allergic diseases play a significant role and have to be diagnosed and treated competently. A multitude of guidelines provide a clear corridor for identification of suitable methods. The most important sensitization tests such as skin tests and the determination of specific IgE in the serum lay the foundations of allergy diagnostics. Nasal provocation tests with allergens as most important and most frequently applied allergen provocation tests can be performed especially by highly qualified ENT specialists. They allow the determination of the clinical relevance of single allergens.
Beside pharmacotherapy and avoidance of allergens, the allergen-specific immunotherapy has a central position in the treatment of allergy diseases. Also in this context, correct indication and targeted selection of the pharmaceutics lead to an increased treatment quality.
In particular complex or severe allergic diseases require specialized and even highly specialized treatment. In Germany, structured requirements for establishing Comprehensive Allergy Centers have been developed. The involvement of otolaryngology in the further development of such centers should be improved.
Sound allergy education and training are the basis for competence and quality of the treatment of allergy patients. In medical studies, allergology is currently underrepresented. In specialization, some basic aspects of allergies are taken into account. The medical education for the additional specialization in allergology is currently changing; it is intended to be simplified but this might lead to devaluation. A full speciality of allergology does currently not exist in Germany.
In particular in the areas of allergy training, allergy research, and in the cooperation of ENT specialists in highly specialized allergy centers, an enormous potential for improvement is seen for the discipline of otolaryngology.
High-quality treatment of patients suffering from allergies should be a first priority of ENT specialists. In daily routine of otolaryngologists, allergic diseases play a significant role and have to be diagnosed and treated competently. A multitude of guidelines provide a clear corridor for identification of suitable methods. The most important sensitization tests such as skin tests and the determination of specific IgE in the serum lay the foundations of allergy diagnostics. Nasal provocation tests with allergens as most important and most frequently applied allergen provocation tests can be performed especially by highly qualified ENT specialists. They allow the determination of the clinical relevance of single allergens.
Beside pharmacotherapy and avoidance of allergens, the allergen-specific immunotherapy has a central position in the treatment of allergy diseases. Also in this context, correct indication and targeted selection of the pharmaceutics lead to an increased treatment quality.
In particular complex or severe allergic diseases require specialized and even highly specialized treatment. In Germany, structured requirements for establishing Comprehensive Allergy Centers have been developed. The involvement of otolaryngology in the further development of such centers should be improved.
Sound allergy education and training are the basis for competence and quality of the treatment of allergy patients. In medical studies, allergology is currently underrepresented. In specialization, some basic aspects of allergies are taken into account. The medical education for the additional specialization in allergology is currently changing; it is intended to be simplified but this might lead to devaluation. A full speciality of allergology does currently not exist in Germany.
In particular in the areas of allergy training, allergy research, and in the cooperation of ENT specialists in highly specialized allergy centers, an enormous potential for improvement is seen for the discipline of otolaryngology.
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