Die präoperative Vorbereitung und Optimierung ist zentraler Bestandteil der anästhesiologischen Prämedikationsvisite. Ziel ist es, postoperative Komplikationen zu vermeiden und die
Patientensicherheit zu erhöhen. In diesem Artikel werden kardiale, respiratorische und metabolische Risikofaktoren von Patienten vor elektiven nicht herz-thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen
behandelt und deren Diagnostik- und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt.
Patient safety and reduction of postoperative complications are the top priorities for anaesthesiologists in everyday clinical practice. Therefore, preoperative assessment and optimization
of patient specific risk factors are crucial for reduction of postoperative morbidity and mortality. Understanding the patientʼs medical history and clinical examination represent the two
most important aspects of preoperative patient evaluation by the anaesthesiologist. In addition, there are several clinical scores to specify the patientʼs individual perioperative risk
according to the existing comorbidities. These specific assessment tools are easily accessible and have proven effective in everyday clinical practice. Special attention should be paid to
preoperative cardiac, respiratory and metabolic conditions. The combination of risk stratification and strategies to improve the patientʼs preoperative medical status are capable to reduce
complications in the postoperative period.
Patientensicherheit, präoperative Optimierung, Risikoevaluation
Key words
patient safety - preoperative optimization - risk assessment