Synthesis 2023; 55(14): 2195-2205
DOI: 10.1055/a-2038-2323

Late-Stage Two-Step C11–H Arylation of Dibenzooxa/thiazepines

Yang Chen
Meng-Yao Ma
Hongguang Du
Jiaxi Xu
Zhanhui Yang
This work was financially supported by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (no. 2202041 to Z.Y.) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (no. XK1802-6 to Z.Y. and J.X.; no. 12060093063 to Z.Y.).


A practical and efficient synthesis of 11-aryldibenzooxa/thiazepines is achieved, via a late-stage and two-step C11–H arylation of simple dibenzooxa/thiazepines. The adoption of Grignard addition and DDQ dehydrogenation allows for operationally simple and chemically reliable, step-efficient, and high-yielding transformations. The two-step and one-pot procedures provide excellent yields. The gram-scale experiment demonstrates the promising synthetic potentials in large-scale applications, and the advantages of this method are also highlighted in the efficient synthesis of an H460TaxR inhibitor.

Supporting Information


Eingereicht: 23. Januar 2023

Angenommen nach Revision: 17. Februar 2023

Accepted Manuscript online:
17. Februar 2023

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
12. April 2023

© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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