psychoneuro 2008; 34(8): 375-377
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1087118
Berufliche Wiedereingliederung psychisch Kranker
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Chronifizierung vermeiden – Stigmatisierung vorbeugen,Wiedereingliederung fördern

Avoiding chronification – Preventing stigmatization, promoting reinstatementMarius Poersch1
  • 1Dr. von Ehrenwall'sche Klinik, Bad Neuenahr–Ahrweiler(Ärztlicher Direktor: Dr. C. Smolenski)
Weitere Informationen


28. August 2008 (online)

Die zeitgemäße berufliche Wiedereingliederung psychisch kranker Erwerbstätiger – mit und ohne Behinderung – ist dringend reformbedürftig, da unter anderem die Arbeitsunfähigkeitstage und die Frühberentungszahlen gerade bei den psychisch erkrankten Menschen überproportional ansteigen. Obwohl die Ursachen kontrovers diskutiert werden, gibt es zunehmend Hinweise darauf, dass depressive Störungen häufiger und früher auftreten als noch vor einigen Jahren.

So far, no special ”return–to–work” concepts exist in Germany, although there is an undeniable increase in the number of mentally ill employees and employers. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are multiple and complex, but the dominance of classical therapeutic strategies (diagnosis of pathogenicity, and therapy derived therefrom) may be important. Patients and physicians may be following these classical strategies too often, too early and for too long in the course of development from individual ”not being well” to illness, finally leading to complex interactions. In this context, Norman Sartorius points out that ”the iatrogenic stigma of mental illness begins with the behavior and attitude of medical professionals, especially psychiatrists”. This article encourages physicians to change their therapeutic attitudes earlier and more often to update strategies promoting individual self–expectancy of effectualness, resilience, etc. It may be that mentally ill employees and employers are more often able to learn their individual resilient style of working than is generally assumed. These processes to individual recovery require a carefully planned mixture of classical psychiatric therapies and update coaching strategies and, last but not least, psychiatrists who have changed their usual attitudes and approaches. While doing so, medical professionals and psychiatrists are generally also strongly engaging themselves against chronification and stigmatization of mentally ill employees and employers.


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Dr. med. Marius Poersch

Dr. von Ehrenwall'sche Klinik

Walporzheimerstraße 2

53474 Bad Neuenahr–Ahrweiler
