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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1185362
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Sesquiterpene Lactones in Arnica montana: Helenalin and Dihydrohelenalin Chemotypes in Spain
received Oct. 7, 2008
revised Dec. 18, 2008
accepted Dec. 22, 2008
23. Februar 2009 (online)
An analytical RPLC method for sesquiterpene lactones in Arnica montana has been extended to include quantitative analyses of dihydrohelenalin esters. LC‐ESI‐MS‐MS distinguished the isomeric helenalin and dihydrohelenalin esters. The dihydrohelenalin esters have lower response factors for UV detection than do helenalin esters, which must be taken into account for quantitative analyses. Analyses of flowers from 16 different wild populations of A. montana in Spain showed differing proportions of helenalin and dihydrohelenalin esters. For the first time a chemotype with high levels of helenalin esters (total helenalins 5.2–10.3 mg/g dry weight) is reported in Spanish A. montana. These samples were from heath lands at high altitude (1 330–1 460 m), whereas samples from meadows and peat bogs at lower altitudes were the expected chemotype with high levels of dihydrohelenalin esters (total dihydrohelenalins 10.9–18.2 mg/g). The phenolic compounds, both flavonoid glycosides and caffeoylquinic acids, in Spanish A. montana are reported for the first time. The levels of several of these compounds differed significantly between samples from heath lands and samples from peat bogs or meadows, with the heath land samples being most similar to central European A. montana in their phenolic composition.
Key words
sesquiterpene lactones - phenolics - Arnica montana - Asteraceae - LC‐MS - chemotypes
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Nigel B. Perry
Crop & Food Research
University of Otago
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