Eur J Pediatr Surg 2009; 19(2): 63-67
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1215584

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Congenital Choledochal Malformations – A European Perspective

M. Davenport1 , C. K. Sinha1
  • 1Department of Paediatric Surgery, King's College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
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received January 26, 2009

accepted after revision February 19, 2009

18. Juni 2010 (online)


Congenital choledochal malformations (CCM) may be a cause of abdominal pain, jaundice and sepsis in children but are easily diagnosed with modern ultrasound techniques. A review of the current approach to surgical management is presented together with an updated practical classification of the spectrum of possible anomalies.


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Prof. M. Davenport

King's College Hospital

Department of Paediatric Surgery

Denmark Hill


United Kingdom


Telefon: +44/20/3299 33 50

Fax: +44/20/3299 40 21
