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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1237711
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
The Relationship Between Gait Transition Speed and the Aerobic Thresholds for Walking and Running
16. Oktober 2009 (online)
We studied the relationship between the speed at the gas exchange thresholds for walking and running and the preferred gait transition speed (PTS), and the correspondence of PTS and energetically optimal transition speed (EOTS). Twenty-two men (age: 21.4±2.4 years, mass: 78.1±8.2 kg) performed four tests during which we determined VO2max, walking/running gas exchange thresholds, walk-to-run/run-to-walk PTS, and EOTS. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) between PTS, and the speed at the aerobic threshold for walking (AeTw) and running (AeTr). Both walk-to-run and run-to-walk PTS significantly correlated to AeTr (r=0.82 and 0.79; p<0.01) but not to AeTw (r=−0.03 and 0.06; p>0.05). Finally, EOTS and the corresponding VO2 were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the speed and VO2 at PTS. Our results indicate that running rather than walking dynamics determines gait transitions in men.
Key words
walking - running - locomotion - pulmonary gas exchange
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Dr. G. Markovic
Department of Kinesiology of Sport
Faculty of Kinesiology
University of Zagreb
Horvacanski zavoj 15
10000 Zagreb
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