pferde spiegel 2010; 13(4): 154-160
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1250467

© Enke Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Management von Zwillingsträchtigkeiten bei der Stute

Management of equine twin pregnanciesJutta Klewitz, Frauke Uhlendorf, Florian Geburek, Florian Ortgies, Harald Sieme
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15. Dezember 2010 (online)


Twin pregnancies in the mare usually lead to abortion, stillbirth or the delivery of weak foals. For this reason different reduction methods are applied in studfarm practice. During the early pregnancy manual crushing of one embryo is the most successful therapy with high survival rates of the remaining embryo. Depending on gestation length and the localisation of twins dietary manipulation, transvaginal ultrasound-guided twin reduction, surgical removal of one conceptus, craniocervical dislocation, placenta ablation, transabdominal ultrasound-guided twin reduction and induction of abortion are used to reduce twin pregnancies. This review article describes the factors influencing the occurrence of twins in the mare, the procedures and the success rates of different reduction methods.

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Dr. Jutta Klewitz

Klinik für Pferde
Reproduktionsmedizinische Einheit der Kliniken
Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Bünteweg 15

30559 Hannover
