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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1253245
The Reconstruction of the Mutilated Hand
05. Mai 2010 (online)

The challenging reconstructive treatment of defects in the upper extremity requires a sound working knowledge of a variety of flaps. As the hand surgeon weighs the pros and cons of each possible flap to obtain definitive closure, he or she must also integrate the priorities of function, contour, and stability as well as the anticipation of further reconstructive surgery in choosing the flap of choice. This review describes the various flaps available for closure of soft tissue defects of the upper extremity. The principles of management of wounds of the upper extremity is described to guide hand surgeons in the early treatment of massive wounds that will eventually need free tissue coverage. Currently used flaps include fasciocutaneous, fascial, musculocutaneous, muscle, and osteocutaneous flaps. Flap selection is based on the characteristics of the defect including size, shape, and location, the availability of donor sites, and the goals of reconstruction. Improved techniques of microsurgery and an ever increasing repertoire of flaps provide the framework for hand surgeons to offer the most appropriate flap based on donor site, thickness, amount of tissue needed, and composition. A discussion of the selection of ideal flaps for any given defect should enable the reconstructive hand surgeon to provide the most appropriate coverage of wounds to the hand and upper extremity.
Mutilated hand - hand reconstruction - free flaps - soft tissue
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Michael NeumeisterM.D. F.R.C.S.C. F.A.C.S.
Professor and Chairman, SIU School of Medicine, Division of Plastic Surgery
P.O. Box 19653, Springfield, IL 62794-9653