DOI: 10.1055/s-00000051

Seminars in Plastic Surgery

Issue 04 · Volume 38 · November 2024 DOI: 10.1055/s-014-60765 Facial Reconstruction after Mohs Surgery Guest Editor: James F. Thornton, MD

Introduction to the Guest Editor

Buchanan, Edward P.: James F. Thornton, MD


Review Article

McAllister, Lauren; Yim, Nicholas; Thornton, James F.: Judging Surgical Quality in Facial Reconstruction
Gamret, A. Caresse; Roberts, Jared E.; Srivastava, Divya; Nijhawan, Rajiv I.: Mohs Micrographic Surgery: A Brief Overview
Mohan, Vamsi C.; Leonovicz, Olivia G.; Schmidt, Josephine L.; Gillipelli, Srinithya R.; Parham, Matthew J.; Layon, Sarah A.; Dempsey, Robert F.: Scalp and Forehead Reconstruction following Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Gillipelli, Srinithya R.; Quirarte, Diego M.; Owens, Winston R.; Parham, Matthew J.; Jiang, Austin Y.; Williams, Katherine J.; Xue, Amy S.: Eyelid Reconstruction
Hollier, Pierce; Parham, Matthew; Layon, Sarah A.; Thornton, James F.: Reconstruction of Small Nasal Defects
Owens, Winston R.; Quirarte, Diego M.; Gillipelli, Srinithya R.; Layon, Sarah A.; Bovill, John D.; Dvoracek, Lucas A.: Lip Reconstruction
Mohan, Vamsi C.; Owens, Winston R.; Schmidt, Josephine L.; Burns, Heather R.; Buchanan, Edward P.: Ear Reconstruction following Mohs Micrographic Surgery