Synlett 2011(16): 2387-2391  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1261228
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Access to Saturated Fused Pyrimidine Derivatives via a Flexible N-Vinyl Tertiary Enamide Synthesis

Anthony A. Estrada*, Joseph P. Lyssikatos, Frédéric St-Jean, Philippe Bergeron
Genentech, Small Molecule Drug Discovery 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA
Fax: +1(650)7424943; e-Mail:;
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Received 8 June 2011
08. September 2011 (online)


An array of tetrasubstituted saturated fused pyrimidines has been synthesized through two-sequential, simple, and efficient one-pot operations. The strategic utilization of the N-PMB group proved critical in the ability to construct a broad range of N-vinyl tertiary enamide starting materials. This stands as a flexible approach to functionalized pyrimidines with the capability of manipulating either ketone, acid chloride, or nitrile reaction partners.

    References and Notes

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  • 16b Bergeron P, Cohen F, Estrada A, Koehler MFT, Lee W, Ly C, Lyssikatos JP, Pei Z, and Zhao X. inventors; WO 2010/151601  A1. 

Spectroscopic studies and experiments with carbocation scavengers (thioanisole, triethylsilane, etc.) were unsuccessful in identifying the PMB-containing side product.


Temperature-controlled experiments were performed with a Bruker 500 MHz, Avance III spectrometer with a 5 mm Bruker PABBO cryoprobe with data collection at -70 ˚C, -40 ˚C, -20 ˚C, 0 ˚C, and 30 ˚C.


Successful formation of saturated fused pyrimidine products can also be achieved in the absence of 2-chloropyridine, although longer reaction times are required (4-72 h) and lower yields (10-15% loss) are typically obtained.