Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2011; 228(4): 391-394
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1273249
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© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Combined Cilioretinal Artery and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Treated with a Single Injection of Ranibizumab

Kombinierter Verschluss der Zilioretinalarterie/Zentralvene behandelt mit einer einzigen Injektion von RanibizumabJ. M. Katsimpris, P. E. Theoulakis, J. Lepidas, A. Livieratou, I. K. Petropoulos
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11. April 2011 (online)


Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), although a common vision-impairing condition, may rarely be associated with cilioretinal artery occlusion (CAO) [1]. We hereby describe the clinical findings and course of two patients presented with combined CAO and CRVO and treated with a single intravitreal injection of ranibizumab. We also perform a review of the literature. This is the first reported case in the literature of combined CAO and CRVO treated with intravitreal ranibizumab.


  • 1 Theoulakis P E, Livieratou A, Petropoulos I K et al. Cilioretinal artery occlusion combined with central retinal vein occlusion – a report of two cases and review of the literature.  Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2010;  227 302-305
  • 2 Oosterhuis J A. Fluorescein fundus angiography in retinal venous occlusion. In: Henkes H E, (ed). Perspectives in Ophthalmology.. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Foundation; 1968: 29-47
  • 3 Brown G C, Shields J A. Cilioretinal arteries and retinal arterial occlusion.  Arch Ophthalmol. 1979;  97 84-92
  • 4 Brown D M, Campochiaro P A, Singh R P et al. Ranibizumab for macular edema following central retinal vein occlusion: six-month primary end point results of a phase III study.  Ophthalmology. 2010;  117 1124-1133
  • 5 McLeod D. Central retinal vein occlusion with cilioretinal infarction from branch flow exclusion and choroidal arterial steal.  Retina. 2009;  29 1381-1395
  • 6 Hayreh S S, Fraterrigo L, Jonas J. Central retinal vein occlusion associated with cilioretinal artery occlusion.  Retina. 2008;  28 581-594
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John M. Katsimpris, MD, PhD

Ritsou & Empeirikou Street 73

26335 Patras


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Fax: ++ 30/26 10 64 34 97

eMail: jkatsimpris@yahoo.com