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DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1295471
Neues zu Kopfschmerzen 2011 – ein Update
What’s New in Headache 2011? – An UpdatePublikationsverlauf
06. Dezember 2011 (online)
In den letzten Monaten wurden Studien veröffentlicht, die neue Erkenntnisse zur Epidemiologie, zu komorbiden psychischen Erkrankungen und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen bei der Migräne lieferten. Angststörungen wurden bisher in der Kopfschmerzforschung vernachlässigt, sollten jedoch vermehrt Beachtung finden. Therapiestudien befassen sich jetzt verstärkt mit verschiedenen Aspekten der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie. Hierzu erschienen Arbeiten zu unterschiedlichen Therapiemodalitäten, dem Vergleich mit medikamentösen Kopfschmerzprophylaxen und zur Wirksamkeit multimodaler Therapieprogramme. Zur Akuttherapie erschienen Arbeiten zu den CGRP-Antagonisten, die entgegen ursprünglicher Erwartungen vorerst nicht auf den Markt kommen. Neue Erkenntnisse zum primär schlafgebundenen Kopfschmerz und zu invasiven Therapien der Trigeminusneuralgie werden berichtet.
During the past few months new epidemiological data and statistics about cardiovascular and psychic comorbidities in migraine were published. Anxiety disorders should receive more attention in research and treatment of patients with headache diseases. Cognitive behavioural therapy has gained importance in studies about headache treatment and prophylaxis; comparisons to medical treatment have been made and the effectiveness of multimodal therapy programmes is the subject of ongoing investigations. Current results of acute migraine treatment with CGRP antagonists are discussed. However, CGRP antagonists will not be available for migraine therapy in near future. Furthermore, an update on hypnic headache and on invasive treatments of trigeminal neuralgia are reported.
- 1 Le H, Tfelt-Hansen P, Russell MB et al. Co-morbidity of migraine with somatic disease in a large population-based study. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 43-64
- 2 Mehlsteibl D, Schankin C, Hering P et al. Anxiety disorders in headache patients in a specialised clinic: prevalence and symptoms in comparison to patients in a general neurological clinic. J Headache Pain 2011; 12: 323-329
- 3 Lateef T, Swanson S, Cui L et al. Headaches and sleep problems among adults in the United States: findings from the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication study. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 648-653
- 4 Rist PM, Diener HC, Kurth T et al. Migraine, migraine aura, and cervical artery dissection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 886-896
- 5 Kurth T, Mohamed S, Maillard P et al. Headache, migraine, and structural brain lesions and function: population based Epidemiology of Vascular Ageing-MRI study. BMJ 2011; 342: c7357
- 6 Gudmundsson LS, Scher AI, Aspelund T et al. Migraine with aura and risk of cardiovascular and all cause mortality in men and women: prospective cohort study. BMJ 2010; 341: c3966
- 7 Arruda MA, Guidetti V, Galli F et al. Primary headaches in childhood – a population-based study. Cephalalgia 2010; 30: 1056-1064
- 8 Payne KA, Varon SF, Kawata AK et al. The International Burden of Migraine Study (IBMS): Study design, methodology, and baseline cohort characteristics. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 1116-1130
- 9 Katsarava Z, Manack A, Yoon MS et al. Chronic migraine: classification and comparisons. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 520-529
- 10 Shahien R, Saleh SA, Bowirrat A. Intravenous sodium valproate aborts migraine headaches rapidly. Acta Neurol Scand 2011; 123: 257-265
- 11 Leniger T, Pageler L, Stude P et al. Comparison of intravenous valproate with intravenous lysine-acetylsalicylic acid in acute migraine attacks. Headache 2005; 45: 42-46
- 12 Goadsby PJ, Edvinsson L, Ekman R. Release of vasoactive peptides in the extracerebral circulation of humans and the cat during activation of the trigeminovascular system. Ann Neurol 1988; 23: 193-196
- 13 Hewitt DJ, Aurora SK, Dodick DW et al. Randomized controlled trial of the CGRP receptor antagonist MK-3207 in the acute treatment of migraine. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 712-722
- 14 Diener HC, Barbanti P, Dahlof C et al. BI 44370 TA, an oral CGRP antagonist for the treatment of acute migraine attacks: results from a phase II study. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 573-584
- 15 Seeburger JL, Taylor FR, Friedman D et al. Efficacy and tolerability of rizatriptan for the treatment of acute migraine in sumatriptan non-responders. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 786-796
- 16 Brandes JL, Cady RK, Freitag FG et al. Needle-free subcutaneous sumatriptan (Sumavel DosePro): bioequivalence and ease of use. Headache 2009; 49: 1435-1444
- 17 Cady RK, Aurora SK, Brandes JL et al. Satisfaction With and Confidence in Needle-Free Subcutaneous Sumatriptan in Patients Currently Treated with Triptans. Headache 2011; Aug 3
- 18 Beran RG, Spira PJ. Levetiracetam in chronic daily headache: a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled study. (The Australian KEPPRA Headache Trial AUS-KHT). Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 530-536
- 19 Couch JR. Amitriptyline in the prophylactic treatment of migraine and chronic daily headache. Headache 2011; 51: 33-51
- 20 Krymchantowski AV, Jevoux CC. Topiramate vs divalproex sodium in the preventive treatment of migraine: a prospective “real-world” study. Headache 2011; 51: 554-558
- 21 Gaul C, van DC, Webering N et al. Clinical outcome of a headache-specific multidisciplinary treatment program and adherence to treatment recommendations in a tertiary headache center: an observational study. J Headache Pain 2011; 12: 475-483
- 22 Holroyd KA, Cottrell CK, ODonnell FJ et al. Effect of preventive (beta blocker) treatment, behavioural migraine management, or their combination on outcomes of optimised acute treatment in frequent migraine: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2010; 341: c4871
- 23 Guyuron B, Kriegler JS, Davis J et al. Five-year outcome of surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 127: 603-608
- 24 Stovner L, Hagen K, Jensen R et al. The global burden of headache: a documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide. Cephalalgia 2007; 27: 193-210
- 25 Fernandez-de-las-Penas C, Schoenen J. Chronic tension-type headache: what is new?. Curr Opin Neurol 2009; 22: 254-261
- 26 Castien RF, van der Windt DA, Grooten A et al. Effectiveness of manual therapy for chronic tension-type headache: a pragmatic, randomised, clinical trial. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 133-143
- 27 Khatami R, Tartarotti S, Siccoli MM et al. Long-term efficacy of sodium oxybate in 4 patients with chronic cluster headache. Neurology 2011; 77: 67-70
- 28 Fontaine D, Christophe SJ, Raoul S et al. Treatment of refractory chronic cluster headache by chronic occipital nerve stimulation. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 1101-1105
- 29 Mueller OM, Gaul C, Katsarava Z et al. Occipital nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic cluster headache – lessons learned from 18 months experience. Cen Eur Neurosurg 2011; 72: 84-89
- 30 Juergens T, Paulus W, Tronnier V et al. Einsatz neuromodulierender Verfahren bei primären Kopfschmerzen: Therapieempfehlungen der Deutschen Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft. Nervenheilkunde 2011; 30: 47-58
- 31 Perry JJ, Stiell IG, Sivilotti ML et al. Sensitivity of computed tomography performed within six hours of onset of headache for diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage: prospective cohort study. BMJ 2011; 343: d4277
- 32 Créac' h C, Frappe P, Cancade M et al. In-patient versus out-patient withdrawal programmes for medication overuse headache: A 2-year randomized trial. Cephalalgia 2011; 31: 1189-1198
- 33 Grande RB, Aaseth K, Benth JS et al. Reduction in medication-overuse headache after short information. The Akershus study of chronic headache. Eur J Neurol 2011; 18: 129-137
- 34 Rossi P, Faroni JV, Nappi G. Short-term effectiveness of simple advice as a withdrawal strategy in simple and complicated medication overuse headache. Eur J Neurol 2011; 18: 396-401
- 35 Fritsche G, Frettloh J, Huppe M et al. Prevention of medication overuse in patients with migraine. Pain 2010; 151: 404-413
- 36 Holle D, Naegel S, Krebs S et al. Hypothalamic gray matter volume loss in hypnic headache. Ann Neurol 2011; 69: 533-539
- 37 Holle D, Naegel S, Krebs S et al. Clinical characteristics and therapeutic options in hypnic headache. Cephalalgia 2010; 30: 1435-1442
- 38 Koopman JS, de Vries LM, Dieleman JP et al. A nationwide study of three invasive treatments for trigeminal neuralgia. Pain 2011; 152: 507-513
- 39 Kano H, Kondziolka D, Yang HC et al. Outcome predictors after gamma knife radiosurgery for recurrent trigeminal neuralgia. Neurosurgery 2010; 67: 1637-1644