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Synthesis 2014; 46(09): 1191-1196
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1340873
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1340873
Synthesis of 2,3-Unsaturated Glycosides and Disaccharides via Ruthenium(III) Chloride Catalyzed Ferrier Glycosylation
Weitere Informationen
Received: 10. Dezember 2013
Accepted after revision: 06. Februar 2014
05. März 2014 (online)
A facile and stereoselective method for Ferrier glycosylation was developed using ruthenium(III) chloride. Using this protocol, the glycal donor reacted smoothly with several acceptors comprising different functionalities to afford corresponding 2,3-unsaturated glycosides in good to excellent yields.
Supporting Information
- for this article is available online at Included are general synthesis information and 1H and 13C NMR spectra of all the compounds
- Supporting Information
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