Background Many people today are looking to preserve their youthful appearance for as long as possible. Current techniques of facial rejuvenation consist of superficial muscular aponeurotic system and/or deep tissue manipulation to relocate the tissues to their former positions. Scars continue to be a limiting factor for many patients who are interested in a facial rejuvenation procedure that has minimal risk and a short recovery period and that truly complies with the term minimally invasive.
Methods This surgical protocol included a complete medical history, analysis of the degree of aging, and development of a surgical plan. We obtained pre- and postoperative photographic controls for medium- and long-term follow-up and evaluation of results.
Results We treated 67 patients with this minimally invasive technique. The follow-up period ranged from 6 months to 4 years. The results were satisfactory, showing a more harmonious facial appearance.
Conclusions The mini–temporal and perilobular approach to facelift (mini-TAPA-facelift) is a facial rejuvenation procedure with limited incisions, which allows us to reaffirm the soft tissues of the corners of the eyelids and upper cheek. It also restores the lower midface and the mandibular contour, thus eliminating undesirable jowls. The procedure clearly defines the face from the neck, providing a high level of satisfaction among patients.
minimally invasive plastic surgery - mini-facelift - mini–perilobular approach - mini–temporal approach