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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1380180
Collective Synthesis of Natural Products by Using Metathesis Cascade Reactions
Publication History
Received: 26 December 2014
Accepted after revision: 22 January 2015
Publication Date:
02 April 2015 (online)

This account describes our laboratory’s latest endeavors toward the collective synthesis of natural products. An overview of the general strategy is presented together with several total syntheses developed by our group. These examples demonstrate the power of metathesis cascade reactions and biomimetic strategies for the collective synthesis of securinega alkaloids and humulanolides.
1 Introduction
2 Collective Synthesis: A Historical Perspective
3 Collective Synthesis in Our Laboratory
3.1 Metathesis Cascade Reactions
3.2 Collective Synthesis of Securinega Alkaloids
3.3 Collective Synthesis of Humulanolides
3.3.1. Total Synthesis of Racemic Asteriscunolide D
3.3.2. Asymmetric Total Syntheses of Humulanolides
4 Conclusions and Outlook
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For recent divergent and efficient syntheses of the lycopodium alkaloids, see:
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For a brief overview of macrocyclization reactions through catalytic RCM, see:
For reviews on the synthesis of eight-membered carbocycles, see: